A reader named Theresa emailed us recently with the following: "My name is - as you may have seen - Theresa, I am a 23 year old student of Book and Media Production in Leipzig/Germany. My large interest in Fashion, Interior Design and everything vintage. I am living at my blog www.neu4bauer.blogspot.com for more than 2 years now. What I like best about my 60 sqm appartment in the Eastern part of Germany are the high ceiling with ornaments, the amazing light because of many windows and the fact that almost all furniture (table, desk, drawers, ...) are made by my grandfather or taken from the attic of my grandma. We did a lot of refurbishing last year ;)" I am completely jealous of Theresa's space. Those windows! The ceiling height! The herringbone hardwood! And she has decorated it sooooo beautifully. (Geez, when I was a student I lived in a freezing cold, tiny, low ceiling basement apartment on the main bar strip). Thank you for sharing your home with us Theresa!!
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