Tine Kjeldsen
The following stunning Danish home belongs to Tine Kjeldsen, owner and designer of homewares company Tine K Home. Her aesthetic is SO appealing to me. Lots of white, with doses of grey and bits of black and plum. This house is perfection - I might add a few pieces of unpainted wood furniture and some ethnic pieces to give a bit more natural vibe. (And I really wish I could do all white floors but my plethora of cats means I need to get that idea out of my head).
Reader Comments (28)
Love the rugs and baskets! Beautiful!
I love this house!! It's so simple and beautiful.
Absolutely lovely - I wonder how often she repaints the floor?
absolutely beautiful but impossibly sterile...I think.
Very beautiful but would be just as beautiful with some weathered or bleached oak floors.. I think
Every single time I see newly styled pictures of her home I fall further in love. Sigh.
Those poor kids. It's beautiful for photos, but so cold.
Thank goodness for the people shots - the only life in the whole place! Beautiful yes but no soul.
That's so fresh and clean! Thanks for sharing Kim!
I love scandinavian design. I don't thins soul is = mess and clutter so I love this home :-)
I LOVE these photos, clean, white. I think they may have edited too much for the shoot hence the feeling of cold or sterility. The vintage furniture she use in this 'modern-ish' space does injects some character though. I'm SURE it doesn't look like that normally.
and... they have A cat.. probably easier to manage than a plethora of cats.. lol :)
Love the color palette. Simple, clean, it's a great looking house. But rest assured, with 3 kiddies, we know it doesn't always look this way.
He took out much of the color with Photoshop. Butterflies aren't grey! :)
Loooooooove this house!!!
The house is lovely and I'm a minimalist through and through but I too find it quite sterile. Unless they actually have gray houseplants in Denmark I have to agree with RandomIntent re: the excessive photoshopping. :-)
See the "warmth" of their smiles. It will bring warmth to this home. Cheers.
A dream house for me. Congratulations to the owners - you are living a dream and Thanks DTI for posting. :-)
simply and utterly gorgeous!!!
I'm not quite sure what I think....maybe it's "absolutely, beautifully, boring", because it's both beautiful and boring at the same time. No matter how you look at it, it's very well done.
Its like a dream, everything is flying... Fantastic! I want to have white floors too!
So beautiful house.. I really love this house, If I had the same as this house, I'd like to have a polished concrete.
this house makes me very happy....it takes real guts to stick with that color scheme...and to paint your floors white! i love the moss green peppered throughout. just lovely. great post.
Love the house and everything inside it. But i think the photos shouldn't be doctored, they should be left with the original colours. Is there any chance that we get to see them? They should be beautiful ......
I feel like I'm in an Alfred Hitchcock movie! Too white and sterile....add some dark wood floors and some color here and there to avoid it looking like a white box.