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Entries in Spain (200)


Isabel's home

Isabel wanted to share her home with our readers. All I know about her is that she is Spanish, is a mom to a little boy and girl, she has a really fantastic apartment and she seems to really loves her kids because they have the coolest rooms! (I've got a couple more reader submissions to share but I think I'll save them for tomorrow so stay tuned!)


oito interiores

Here are a few shots from the latest project (a renovated flat in Ourense Galicia - the north of Spain) of Spanish interior design firm oito interiores. LOOOVE the black walls!!!


Mauricio Fuertes encore

Please enjoy some more beautiful photography by Mauricio Fuertes while I study for my freaking French test and consume some wine.

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A colourful home

I have been meaning to blog this home since I got back from my trip to Mexico. While I was there I bought a few decor magazines, including an issue of Micasa, and this vibrant, colourful and refreshing home that was featured caught my attention. I think Spanish interior designer Teresa Abaitua did an awesome job, especially with the retro/vintage vibe.

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The definition of eclectic

My previous post talked about a mix of styles. I found another home in keeping with that idea. This one is furnished from elements all over the world - a German chair, a Chinese stool, Balinese artifacts, a Provençal table mixed with Bertoia side chairs, even my favourite - Moroccan beni ourain rugs. Mikel Irastorza, the interior designer, has some rather large kahounas. :-) (Via Nuevo Estilo)

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