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oito interiores

Here are a few shots from the latest project (a renovated flat in Ourense Galicia - the north of Spain) of Spanish interior design firm oito interiores. LOOOVE the black walls!!!

Reader Comments (8)

kinda....i don't know....watered-down Abigail Ahern. but still more interesting than a lot of others.

27 Apr 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjenn@theinteriorist

Dark walls usually scare me but it looks pretty good here. It does make the non black items pop a lot more.

i would feel very claustrophobic living within such dark walls..but it looks great in photos!! have a lovely day, kim! xx meenal

even though i usually drool over the white scandinavian walls, i feel best in dark rooms - they feel cosy, especially during the long cold winters here in alberta. these are lovely. when we buy a place, i am painting my dining area charcoal for sure!

27 Apr 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpolish chick

For me, the black wall, even though it's lovely, does not match the chandelier and the green carpet/rug on the first photo. But I love how the sofa accentuated the bed in the last photo. It's a mix and match kinda thing.

I also love the rattan chair - it's unique and it can also be used as a table.

27 Apr 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmelia@ Wind Chimes

Kim I love you, Thank you very much for the article and for all coments!!!!!.

28 Apr 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJavier

I have to admit, if someone suggested black walls to me, I would think they were mad... But this looks great!? Nowhere near as dark and claustrophobic as I would have imagined!

28 Apr 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

That's A LOT of black. One wall maybe, but room after room? I'd have to take anti-depressants if I lived there. The Florida girl in me needs something cheerier.

28 Apr 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBette

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