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Entries in Spain (200)


Mauricio Fuertes

I wonder if photographers who shoot such absolutely amazing spaces (ie. yesterday's post) go home to their less than stellar dwellings and think "why do I live in this dump?". I think today's featured photographer might have had that thought on occasion. Mauricio Fuertes of Barcelona claims he's been working alot, in places that he dreams about. I'm fairly certain had I stepped into any of the spaces I'd be having dreams about them too, and wishing they were mine.



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An apartment in Madrid

Jo isn't the only one having technical difficulties. My laptop, which I love as much as my many cats, is on the fritz with a toasted hard drive. I feel LOST without it. Luckily I have a very computer-savvy husband whom everyone and their dog goes to when things go wrong with anything computer related. He was thankfully able to copy my important files off but I am without some software I use on a daily basis, and it is very frustrating. I hope to get it back up and running soon so I won't be such a grump. In the meantime I found some photos I had stashed away of a gorgeous apartment in Madrid from the lovely Nuevo Estilo. (According to google translator I think it's a rental and the building was from the 50s-60s designed by architect Luis Gutiérrez Soto).

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A Spanish home in the country

I spotted this Spanish country home a while back on Nuevo Estilo and fell in love. I love the old world rustic charm of the structure and the slightly modern vibe of the interior. I am particularly drawn to the colour scheme and I find the global/ethnic style of decor soooo appealing. That is slowly becoming my new favourite give-me-heart-palpitations style - neutral colours and touches of global furnishings and fabrics. (Except my zebra rug would be FAUX!!!)

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Can I live here PUHLEASE?!?!

I found this home on Contemporist and had to re-post it here because I am completely in awe of the architecture. It's mind-blowingly AWESOME. And inspiring because Jeff and I are in the process of researching architects for the work we want to do to my ok OUR home and I would love to something even one iota as creative as this. The space was created by Spanish architect Héctor Ruiz-Velázquez and is the attic space of an early 20th century building in Madrid. It's composed of several different levels and angles yet it's continuous which makes the space appear much larger than it is (it being all white helps too)....and frankly, WAY more interesting. It's just plain NEAT-O.

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Ramón Esteve Estudio de Arquitectura

The quest for harmony, serenity and timelessness, atmosphere, universality and context drives the creative processes of Spanish architect Ramón Esteve. Think modern, creative, innovative and dynamic. To me they are monumental works, at one with their cultural history and the land on which they sit while providing a defence against the harsh elements.  A fortress and a home. That's one way of justifying a spectacular pool ... it's the moat! So much more after the jump.

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