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Entries in colour (325)



Beautiful, beautiful Blenko glass in all colours of the rainbow. Beautiful, beautiful photograph by Keith Scott Morton. Just wish the clown would go away. Just saying you know. Coulrophobia. If this was in a magazine I could fold the page just so and make it disappear.



Duck eggs and clotted cream

I have a thing about colour at the moment. I have a thing about kitchen dressers it seems too. I also have a thing for photographer Graham Atkins-Hughes. If anyone can capture moody colour then it's Graham. The man's a genius with the dark and dirty or the shady and smudgy.


Copper coloured loveliness

I love nothing better in a kitchen than copper pots and pans hanging in all their glory. That and aged wood, scrubbed and loved. Wonder if the owner is a good chef? You'd expect so with such a wonderful collection. Lots of work to keep clean but oh so lovely. As is this photograph by Thibault Jeanson. So intimate and real.



Dark and moody punctuated by saturated colour. A statement apartment by Katon Redgen Mathieson.


Shipping container smarts

Clever! Lease the last remaining block in the hottest street in town but need a budget build? Need to retain existing trees because, of course, you have leased? Containers and polycarbonate sheeting. Brilliant, colourful, fun and down right funky. Retail design done with smarts. The Decameron by Brazilian architect Marcio Kogan of Studio MK27. Inteligente!

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