Store opening and competition
A big shout out to South East Queensland readers. Keep the early evening of Thursday 27 September free. Matt Blatt is celebrating their Newstead store opening and I will be there to help. It’s going to be a fun evening with champagne, canapés, gift bags and 15% off in store for the night. (You need to RSVP by 24 September. All the details are just below.)
Just as exciting is that Matt Blatt has kindly given me two of these fabulous chairs for an Australian reader to win as part of the celebrations. Matt Blatt's version of this classic Mexican chair is valued at $345 each and perfect for summer! Today is certainly hot in my neck of the woods and I could do with one of these tangy beauties to relax in and catch some rays.
What do you need to do to win these summer time essentials?
- You need to be an Australian resident. (Boo! I know overseas readers. It is not fair but Matt Blatt is only based in Australia.)
- You need to tell me, in the comments below this post, in 25 words or less "How would these chairs make your summer perfect?".
- You need to leave a name and email address for us to be able to contact you when you win.
- You need to answer in 25 words or less .... honestly ... 25 ... or less. Better count them.
OK get going. Time to think up your most creative answers. You can enter as many times as you like before 5.30pm AEST Saturday 6 October 2012.
See you on Thursday night! I'll be the one with the champagne in one hand, camera in the other, snapping pics, chatting and figuring out what to add to my wish list. Can't wait to meet you.
Reader Comments (113)
With these little beauties in the house, it would be summer 365 days a year!- I've already got a mojito in hand!
Blue skies, butterflies,fresh cut green grass and sitting my ass on one of these mexican chairs is what dreams are made of!
My first baby is due in December, to relax & spend time with the baby during the summer in these would be sublime!
These amazing chairs would spruce up my alfresco area beyond belief! A place to sit and dream of Mexico this summer!
I wish I could post a pic of my dull alfresco, these babies would brighten my whole summer! These chairs + a cocktail + sun + book = perfecto!!
I will be 9 months pregnant in January so sitting on one of these chairs in summer will be all I can do.
They would be awesomely cool next to my big old-school 60's pool this summer - along with a G&T! Please, please, please pick me : )
A little Acalpulco in Brisvegas how could that not make summer bright yellow with a Love Boat rerun and pina colada thrown in!
These fabulous retro Acapulco inspired chairs will ad loads of personality, style and star quality to my decking.
Now where is my cocktail?
These chairs would definitely brighten up our back porch.
One of these bad boys would look sensational in the house we just built
These would be the classiest things not in my me on the deck baby ;o)
Tania xx
...because they would give me a beautiful, happy and colourful place to rest and recuperate away from my three beautiful children (three little monsters!)
Because these chairs would put a smile on my face every time I saw them! Such fun x
Bambina out, Mexicana fiesta time - mojito & mole, tomito salsa and tequila, huevos rancheros - yum! The chairs would be the icing on the cake.
Corona in hand and butt seated in a ACAPULCO chair from Matt Blatt - what more could a girl wish for!!
These beautiful chairs would bring a little summer to my life... Much needed after our ever so long winter .
Who needs a hot mexican cabana boy when you could have two of THESE beautiful boys on your deck........? Penny, Paddington, QLD
The chairs would make our year happy, happy colours to make an ugly year beautiful to finally have a chance to relax !
I'm in the process of moving into a new house with a gorgeous yard & patio, add these chairs & you have perfection!
Love, love, love! Perfect accent pieces for an outdoor australian summer. I can feel the sunshine already!
These are perfect for chilling in the garden this summer but also a great piece to feature with my dog Batman for Pets on Furniture
A fiesta in the summertime then lounging by the pool with Rekorderlig cider oh how cool
The absolute epitome of cheap Chinese luxury from the designer knockoff king now aiming for the Queensland Bogan market.Noice!
Send me to Acapulco or send Acapulco to me. Either way it's a win win.