Store opening and competition
A big shout out to South East Queensland readers. Keep the early evening of Thursday 27 September free. Matt Blatt is celebrating their Newstead store opening and I will be there to help. It’s going to be a fun evening with champagne, canapés, gift bags and 15% off in store for the night. (You need to RSVP by 24 September. All the details are just below.)
Just as exciting is that Matt Blatt has kindly given me two of these fabulous chairs for an Australian reader to win as part of the celebrations. Matt Blatt's version of this classic Mexican chair is valued at $345 each and perfect for summer! Today is certainly hot in my neck of the woods and I could do with one of these tangy beauties to relax in and catch some rays.
What do you need to do to win these summer time essentials?
- You need to be an Australian resident. (Boo! I know overseas readers. It is not fair but Matt Blatt is only based in Australia.)
- You need to tell me, in the comments below this post, in 25 words or less "How would these chairs make your summer perfect?".
- You need to leave a name and email address for us to be able to contact you when you win.
- You need to answer in 25 words or less .... honestly ... 25 ... or less. Better count them.
OK get going. Time to think up your most creative answers. You can enter as many times as you like before 5.30pm AEST Saturday 6 October 2012.
See you on Thursday night! I'll be the one with the champagne in one hand, camera in the other, snapping pics, chatting and figuring out what to add to my wish list. Can't wait to meet you.
Reader Comments (113)
Really would love this chair with a Mexican flare. Take me back to the 1950's Acapulco if you dare!!!!
Imagine ... hot afternoons spent among frangipanis with family, tunes playing, BBQ cranked and a little four legged friend taking a nap on the Acapulco chairs
Inside or outside, for summer entertaining and planning home renovations the Acapulco chairs will be a feature of our home seldom not in use.
Acapulco chairs provide welcome relief from the summer heat, are a prominent feature on which to take 5, catch up, enjoy a beverage and relax
Perth summer is scorching hot and our courtyard would be made sooooo much cooler with the addition of two Acapulco chairs
A: Acapulco
C: Chairs
A: Always
P: Provide
U: Uber
L: Luxury
C: Cherished
O: Over
S: Summer
One of these sweeties would just fit on my 1.5 x 2 metre patio - hello summer!
Uber cool - The classic Acapulco chair, perfect for lazy afternoons in the Brissy sunshine. Viva Matt Blatt! Love your style and your colour range!
Flowering frangipani's, small smiling faces,
Bright coloured chairs, cool summer spaces,
Fabulous cocktails and insects that sing,
These chairs would make summer my favourite thing....
Drinking Corona in an Acapulco chair. It's where I'd rather be.
Mexican Designer Carlos Ocho presents The Acapulco Chair
"Inspired by the Mayan weaving technique, this unique chair was originally designed in Acapulco the 1950’s. Each item is 100% crafted by hand in Carlos Ocho’s workshop. The metal frame is made with recycled iron and spray painted with polyester based mate coating. It has a powder coated iron frame and flexible vinyl cords which are welded into 2 pieces to reduce packaging and transportation costs. Good for indoor and outdoor use, avoiding heavy exposure to the elements as keeping them dry will expand the chairs cord lifespan. Carlos Ocho workshop is committed with social and environmental sustainability, helping Mexican communities with a fair trade commitment."
This is why you buy the original chair and not a cheap rip off.
An icy cold G & T, an Acapulco and me, what a perfect Summer it would be!
Nothing better than blue sky, good friends, confort food and cool place with colours chairs!