Store opening and competition
A big shout out to South East Queensland readers. Keep the early evening of Thursday 27 September free. Matt Blatt is celebrating their Newstead store opening and I will be there to help. It’s going to be a fun evening with champagne, canapés, gift bags and 15% off in store for the night. (You need to RSVP by 24 September. All the details are just below.)
Just as exciting is that Matt Blatt has kindly given me two of these fabulous chairs for an Australian reader to win as part of the celebrations. Matt Blatt's version of this classic Mexican chair is valued at $345 each and perfect for summer! Today is certainly hot in my neck of the woods and I could do with one of these tangy beauties to relax in and catch some rays.
What do you need to do to win these summer time essentials?
- You need to be an Australian resident. (Boo! I know overseas readers. It is not fair but Matt Blatt is only based in Australia.)
- You need to tell me, in the comments below this post, in 25 words or less "How would these chairs make your summer perfect?".
- You need to leave a name and email address for us to be able to contact you when you win.
- You need to answer in 25 words or less .... honestly ... 25 ... or less. Better count them.
OK get going. Time to think up your most creative answers. You can enter as many times as you like before 5.30pm AEST Saturday 6 October 2012.
See you on Thursday night! I'll be the one with the champagne in one hand, camera in the other, snapping pics, chatting and figuring out what to add to my wish list. Can't wait to meet you.
Reader Comments (113)
After working hard
Coming home to
Pina Colada and enjoying our
Utopian like tropical garden on
Luscious coloured
Outside in the evening sun
I live outside in the summer and these chairs would be perfect in my backyard and would add a splash of colour with a cocktail or two :)
A stylish outdoor addition to get us up off the ground
Not just Summer, but perfect all year round
No more old chairs, these are better than that,
Summer comfort bliss with thanks to Matt Blatt
I just want them!!
you complete me....yellow please
our black pug puppy Bruce would look great on the yellow chair! hopefully stop him destroying our new leather couch (:
Each spoke of this amazing chair represents a memory I will have lounging in it with friends and family this summer!
Summer's just starting to poke its little head out and what better way to soak up the sunshine then on one of these sweet chairs!
I have needed to find a way to get a little more vitamin d, and these chairs look absolutely perfect to me!
My, you're
Thank you
Lovingly sharing
Of a
Enveloping kind, when
Up shop... Divine!
Teenager with hotpants and trilby hat, said; Mum, I like totes need a Matt Blatt, FML, CAN YOU NOT TELL, my summer needs it #thatisthat
The bright pop of colour from the Acapulco chairs will match the icy poles in my hand! Summer has arrived!
Quiero Mucho! My favourite blue, aqua like Mexican summer sea and sky. And the perfect blend of retro/modern I am aiming for. Ay Carumba!
Not only are the designs comfortable, but they would bring a touch of luxury and colour to my summer!
Medical school..constant study, no sleep, no pay..please medicate me with a course of Matt Blatt taken 2x over summer with lime beer..curing!
These gorgeous chairs look like the perfect flower pods to laze in, in the sunshine, and get the creativity flowing for my new animation endeavours.
Summer's almost here
Pop the top off a beer
I'm counting the days
Till I'm catching the rays
Kicking back
All thanks to Matt Blatt
Jebus. Give it to Sam. Who can beat that? Otherwise ... Cos they take my hand and lead me to back to sunny, childhood memories.
Just found my beautiful heritage rental is getting demolished in february ... these chairs will be the perfect house warming gift for my new pad!
I would love to bring 1950's Mexico to my home!!!
In my new albeit small-drab-unattractive-courtyard these hip and colourful chairs would surely make me and my summer sing!
MB's mexican chairs would make my summer perfect, both comfort and aesthetic wise, for the outdoor living area. Got it all: colour shape and texture!
A glamorous retreat from my two-year-old twins with cocktail in hand would these chairs make!
Camping chairs just don't cut it anymore. A Summer of colour would make my day!