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I received an email recently from Sumaya, who was looking for 25 women in Canada to try out the new Purina Maxx Small Spaces cat litter.

Now, remember I have SEVEN cats so when I hear about freebies having to do with my herd, I am AAAAALLLLL over it. I received an awesome kit in the mail that included a corner litter box, a litter mat, a Rubbermaid litter caddy and scoop, 3 bags of Purina cat treats, and coupons for FIVE free 7 kg containers of the Purina Maxx Small Spaces litter. (I think I was supposed to share the coupons with my readers, but I think I need them more than y'all do. LOL!!) It's specifically designed for small spaces because it has scentguard pieces that neutralizes odour on contact with moisture, without giving off an overwhelming fragrance. (Photo below was taken before the litter was christened).

I have this new litter box about 8 feet behind my desk (where I am as I write up this post) and it NEVER stinks. I have always liked the slight perfumy smell of Purina Maxx litter and this Small Spaces line is even better and more effective at masking the smell of a (or several in my case) cat's business. I have been a big fan of Purina Maxx litter for a long time as I find it's nowhere near as dusty as other brands and it's got great clumping abilities. And the Small Spaces brand is like icing on the cake. Who knew it could be EVEN BETTER?

So after I set up the new litter box in the corner of my office I grabbed the camera and had a blast snapping pics of all the cats checking out their new place to poop. (Some of these should be used in their print ads!)


Reader Comments (10)

omg like they all came running. too cute.

3 May 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjenlovespugley

They are all so lovely...makes me miss my cats...I love how they all have to be in on the new arrival, like a group of gossipy women huddling around a sale!

Lovely pics ! I love how they all gather curiously around the new box, and what makes it even better is that fact that they look all totally different :-)

4 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJany

heheheh i love it :)

4 May 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdrey

who doesn't love a new bathroom?

6 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPriscilla

What happened to the positive email that we read previously about your brother-in-law? Seems that all that is left is criticism of med system (though I understand the anxiety underlymg it!) and cat litter.. . Perhaps I missed something...

6 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNA

I'm going to try it!

12 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRobin

Interesting. Is the litter box the water cooler of the cat world?

21 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVictoria

OMG! your cats are so beautiful! i just got a 3 months kitty, he's so energetic that i can't imagine having so many in the house! but the cat littler is so nice the one you made them ^___^ !

27 Jun 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmir

I've been wanting to try Maxx Scoop Small Spaces but I can't find it in the 14Kg container they only sell it in 12.5kg. At the moment I am using 24/7 It's a Multi-Cat Formula and it has a Clean Lanudry Scent.

5 Aug 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

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