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Another parcel from Jo!

Yesterday as I was getting ready to walk over to the hospital, a Canada Post guy showed up at my door with a parcel from Jo! I opened it when I got home last night and it was so much fun digging out all the treasures she found for me. I would like to wring her neck for sending it air, as I can see from the stickers on the box what she paid (grrrrrr). The box included a TON of fabrics, a bunch of thrifted trinkets, some wind sock type things (lampshades actually) for the backyard, and some magazines. WOHOO!!! THANKS JO!!!

And somehow I managed to spend $55 at a gift shop in the hospital on a queen sized cotton bed cover in a fabulous teal. I blame my sister - she insisted I buy it.

Reader Comments (1)

Jo is a star...I am lovin that fabric!!! Have been following your sisters blog and great to hear how well Pablo is doing, cheers Katherine from OZ

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