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A new chapter

For those who don't know, I've been dating Jeff for quite a while now...we argue about how long it's been. Jeff says 8 years and I say this summer will be 10. We've talked about moving back in together (we lived in 4 different places together, the last of which was a home we owned together) and about getting married. Well, on Saturday we thought we'd go check out rings at an antique market and sure enough yesterday I came home with one.

I LOVE it - very deco in style and I love that's it unique. So it seems Jeff and I are officially FINALLY engaged and we are thinking about having a small casual wedding (perhaps a BBQ in my parents backyard this summer). Frankly big weddings scare me. Along with wedding plans, there will also be some more renovation projects around my house, and some will have to happen ASAP if Jeff and his 2 cats are going to fit in here. Yes folks, there will be NINE cats in this house. So stay tuned for lots of happenings over the next several months.

Reader Comments (57)

Congratulations, the ring is gorgeous!

29 Mar 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTamsyn

I forgot to mention how much I LOVE the photo of the ring as well. It's divine.

29 Mar 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTamsyn

Thank you Tamsyn!!

29 Mar 2010 | Registered CommenterKiM

woohooo!! congrats kim. such a pretty ring!!! good luck with the planning. if i know you it will be breath taking. ps: totally with you on small weddings.

12 Apr 2010 | Unregistered Commentermanvi @ mochatini

Hey, Kim, have been away from dti for only a short time, but such lovely news in my absence! Belated congratulations to you both. I adore the ring. And I look forward to hearing more about life with nine cats - crikey!

1 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJo in NZ

Love the sound of the wedding day/weekend plans! Have a great time with it.
Looove that ring!

2 May 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDeborahM

nice post dude also really like the design

12 Sep 2010 | Unregistered CommenterParlyPreabe

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