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Entries in vignette (39)


Around my house

There isn't anything too exciting going on around my house but I figure if I make myself share some photos every now and then it will keep me motivated to keep puttering about. :) 

First up - there is a new piece of art in my home. One of my favourite homes I have featured since starting this blog with Jo 7 years ago is Tom's apartment in the Hollywood Professional Building on Hollywood Blvd. We have kept in touch since then and the day after the Academy awards Tom sent me an email. Tom often strolls along Hollywood Blvd and takes photos of wacky people (check out his Flickr), and did so the day of the Academy Awards. Included in his email was a photo, and I insisted he send it to me in high-res so I could print it and hang it in my home. So awesome! (Thanks again Tom!)

Mr. Cool Dude Kitty is now hanging in my bathroom. 

I did a bit of rearranging of my kitchen shelves yesterday. It was my successful way of avoiding doing my taxes. :) I want to spend more time rearranging these shelves, and create different types of vignettes since it's really the only decent display area in the whole house. Right now it is a mix of vintage stainless tea pots, my beloved Catherine Hold pot, some West German, Japanese and Oaxacan pottery, a couple of Danish teak candle holders and my Tivoli radio. 

I went to Ikea Friday to get a frame for Tom's cat photo (I wanted thin black, which to my horror was nowhere to be found so I had to use a silver one), and spotted this really cool chair cover. It is supposed to be for the Esbjörn chair but it seems to be pretty close in fit to my J104 chair by Hay Denmark. I use it as a desk chair, parking my butt on it for hours on end so I was desperate for some cushioning. I think it's adorable - like a little duvet for my chair but sadly the cover only comes in a natural colour (I would have preferred grey). 

I KNEW the cats would take it over!


Fly away

A crazy busy day with tears and tantrums and teeth nashing and then this. Beauty through the lens of photographer Jeroen van der Spek via STILLSTARS.


Monday beauty

I'm facing my Mondayitis. I'm not running away to a virtual bolt hole. My new solution is a strong dose of something beautiful. Today I'm in love with this glorious photograph by Beth Evans. Drink it in. Stay still. Sigh it out. Done.


Happy Friday!

How fabulous to have this little vignette right by your front door, telling people you don't take life too seriously. I got a chuckle out of it. :) C/O Simon Bajada. HAPPY FRIDAY!


Kate Mathis

Oh my! Oh my, oh my, oh my! Have you ever seen such amazing colour? The lovely light. Shadows subtly adding to the shots. I am inspired by photographer Kate Mathis' work. From vignettes to rooms her images are beautiful. Sometimes a closeup of objects or a colour study can get the creative juices flowing and make my mind tick over with ideas just as much as a cleverly designed space.

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