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Entries in vignette (39)


Vignettes on a Friday

I had a FANTASTIC morning (thanks to Jordan and his wife for the memorable and fun experience) and now that the extra chaos has ended my regularly scheduled posts will commence next week. In the meantime, here is a quick post of vignettes to end the week. Have a great weekend!


Books on display

I adore this photo. Not only are the books organized by colour but by size too. Love the graphic effect.

Here are some more I really like. My favourite are wall-to-wall bookcases. But there are a couple of smart ideas below for books that maybe aren't the greatest to look at. Such as the third photo. Place a REALLY nice chair in front of your books and no one will even notice them because they'll be too busy admiring the chair. Or in the fourth photo - just turn the books around so the spines are facing backwards.


Religious trinkets

Jo has a thing for religious tchatchkies, and I may hunt some down next time I'm out antiquing. There's something so calming and mysterious about them. So this one's for you Jo.

Second photo from Bolig Magasinet, the rest from House of Pictures



I love seeing how people group objects together to form a vignette. Whether you do it with objects similar in colour or objects of the same form or just plopping a bunch of knickknacks down on top of a dresser, I like to think of it as art. And it's something you can switch around often to keep things interesting in your home. I know - I do it ALL THE TIME.

Michael FormicaJudith Miller

House and GardenHomes and Gardens

Metropolitan HomeNapanee Design

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