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Entries in vignette (39)


Mixed Pickles

I love the name Mixed Pickles for a vintage shop. We heard about a very cool vintage shop of that name though San Francisco based photographer Christina Schmidhofer, who happened to have photographed it. Christina put us in touch with the owners and they provided us with a bit of history:
Mixed Pickles is Sharon Hoyle, Roger Williams and a big pile of really great vintage stuff. Sharon opened the first location in North Berkeley in 1998. Roger wandered into the shop in 2002. They struck up a conversation about 1920's Jazz musicians, and have been talking ever since. The opportunity for a great new location in their hometown of Oakland presented itself. The new bigger & brighter shop opened as a partnership in December 2010 when the contents of their two homes reached maximum capacity. Favorite things: Salvaged and architectural antiques, advertising signs, furniture with clean lines, and finding new uses for vintage items. We dislike things made of brass, and the color lavender.

(Check out their blog and website for info, particularly their latest finds). The shop looks like a place I could spend a ridiculous amount of time in scouring each and every little square inch. Too bad it's so far from Ottawa...


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Some favourite vignettes of 2010

{click on the photo to go to the original post}

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Some favourite vignettes of 2009



I am constantly rearranging the knick-knacks around my house, in the hopes of coming up with perfect little eye-catching arrangements. They are usually far from perfect, as I have realized over time that creating the perfect vignette is an art form. That is why people pay stylists to whip them up. I went through my photo stash looking for vignettes that caught my eye. I'm taking notes...


Happy weekend!

Those of us trying to endure winter, stay warm. Those trying to endure a humid summer (ie. Jo, you b*tch), stay cool. I might go make me a nice hot cup of coffee....with Baileys...

(Photo below has nothing to do with this conversation, it's just awful purty)

UPDATE: The coffee is goooooooood....