Decorating fireplace mantels
I finally have a fireplace again in my living room (I had one 2 houses ago) and this time it is beautiful, a centrepiece of the room with a mantel deep enough to display pretty much anything. As seen in my last post of the space, I had stuck some off-white West German vases on it with all the dried flowers I had around, my Vladimir Tretchikoff Green Lady print I unpacked from my art stash in the basement and some little ornaments I picked up in Puerto Vallarta I have not figured out where to hang yet. I thought over the weekend that maybe it was about time to think about redoing this set-up...and I could not really come up with anything. Time for a fireplace mantel round-up for inspiration! Here are a bunch of mantels I found all over the internet that I really like. Especially the one above. :-)