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Entries in Spain (200)


Lázaro Rosa-Violán encore

More from Spanish design dynamo Lázaro Rosa-Violán. Commercial interiors that translate across to a domestic application. Hotel style bedroom? Yes please if the hotel is the Hotel Praktik Rambla seen here in the first few photos. I never realised that Lázaro was responsible for the image that I have front and centre of my inspiration folder. Hotel Pulitzer Roma is a knockout with its chic contemporary design married with original 70s pieces. Photo 6 is the bedroom I would lay my head for all eternity. Big call but true. Take the time to explore the detail of Señor Rosa-Violán's portfolio. Inspiration in every detail.

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I love creative spaces...especially when they are workspaces because after spending the last 10 years working in an ugly, boring, totally uninspiring cubicle, it has become completely energy draining. Here's a workspace I could totally work in. 

We're Aus3 Taller de disseny. A young group of designers (interiors & product) that have just established in Barcelona, and created Espai Born - an office, workshop, exhibition, and events space, that we've thought, designed, and created. The program consists on a  the shop window on the floor at street level, and below the stairs, a working space, meeting room, a workshop and library areas, a long bar to have informal meetings, a reception area and the bathroom. Actually, it is our own space, and we're working tohether a different multidisciplinary companies and freelances. We have designed all the furniture using recycled wood and metal. The lighting design is simple and uses the bulbs directly, without using lamp shades; and designing ourselves all the pieces, depending on how we'll use every different area.

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Hotel Praktik Metropol

Less is luxe. So say the proprietors of the Hotel Praktik Metropol. Not less in style but less in tariffs. A well priced design hotel in central Madrid on the Gran Via. Remodelling and decoration by Lázaro Rosa-Violán and his Contemporain Studio team. The look is young and fresh, casual chic with everything for the traveller who wants to make the most of their time and their money. When adventure waits on the streets outside, when the guide book leads you from must see site to must see site, when your hotel is your base for experience and not the experience itself then the warm wood floors, white walls and thousands of design details will suit just fine.




Ábaton encore

Showroom and workplace, home and office. Spanish architectural, property development and construction firm Ábaton live what they preach. Not hard to live like this though. Located on the outskirts of Madrid the building's clean, modern lines with white walls and concrete floors are layered with furnishings and textures that add meaning and beauty. You loved their converted barn (here) and I know you'll love this wonderful home too.

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To cook or to bathe

Jorge Rangel, an interior architect/designer in Barcelona, Spain sent along some photos of a project he just completed. It is a completely renovated 100m² apartment that Jorge designed in a black, white and gold colour palette. Several small rooms became one large living space....which even houses a large spa bathtub. Now as you'll see below, it's not your average location of a tub but hey, if you enjoy bathing and cooking, or enjoy bathing and watching someone cook for you, then this is the layout for you! (I do love the colour scheme, and the floors are fantastic, especially installed on a bit of a diagonal).

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