Monday's pets on furniture - part 1
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!!!)
"Saw your blog today and thought I would send these along!"
- Brandon
"I wanted to submit this photo of my roommate's dog Jackson. Our family room is very contemporary, but I love how he sits on the arm of the couch & seems so proper (when he is anything but proper, he's very playful). Since modern/ contemporary spaces can sometimes be perceived as cold; Jackson and his toys are the perfect balance to the room. A few weeks ago this little white puppy (aka Butters) was added, and she contrasts the black couch. The only problem: I end up photographing these two, instead of studying for my finance tests."
- Julianne
"This is Beckham. It must be so difficult to be such a big lovable dog around such tiny furniture. But he finds a way."
- Mark
"I'd like to post the photo of my baby Oscar. He loves to sit at the kitchen table when dinner is being served. He never steal's any food but he watches in awe."
- Nicole
"This is Dylan (named for Bob), my rescued Maine coon, as he perches on my refurbished antique chair, which I purchased from the wonderful duo at Nightwood [] in Brooklyn. He is clearly saying, 'Oh no! You caught me!' (Well, actually he is cleaning up after eating.)"
- Mary Ellen
"We were all scratching our heads after seeing this. Where else does this little one get into when we are not at home. Walked in at the end of a work day, and my daughter finds my cat curled up in a bowl. on the stove!"
- 'sbeebe'
"Here's another of Tottenham, at one of his favorite spots, our screened-in porch and on his favorite chair. Thank goodness for sunbrella."
- Shannon
"Here are Princess Peach & Ollie posing for their snap!"
- Stephen
"Little did I know that my dog Reese and my chair would color coordinate! There have been times when I have looked all over the house to find her and never saw her curled up in this chair. She just blends right in. As you can see from the 'patch', Reese loved on this chair a little too much when she was a puppy!"
- Jenn
"I recently discovered this awesome blog via Kim Myles's tweet! This is Thelonious, claiming this wicker love-seat all his own."
- Sarah Forman
"Here's our best buddy, Red the Cat, sitting on his new favorite accessory, the Snuggie. He didn't care for the leather chair at all before the Snuggie was left on it (and we don't mind it that way---this leather chair is also our new baby!). Now, wherever the snuggie is, that's where Red sits."
- Leslie
"Just wanted to share a picture of Rosie- caught lounging on my new sofa."
- Kristi
"I am an architect and I live in Italy, near Milan. I send you some photos of : MAYA, my mother's loved labrador, LE CORBUSIER (called "Corbu", the white cat) & KLIMT (our neighbours' cat, and Corbu's friend), they stay in my studio all the time!"
- Barbara
"It's Trasia, one of our tree cats in our sitting room. The armchair is her favorite place and it's really hard when we want her to get out."
- Ewa