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Entries in pets (432)


Monday's pets on furniture - part 2

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!!!)

"This is a picture of our Bichon Frisé, Elvis.  We rescued Elvis a few months ago and since he’s been with us, it appears he’s been trying to make up for the lost time!  He’s a feisty little boy and loves to jump onto our bed and attack our pillows as soon as we turn away.  Of course, when we’re looking, he likes to sit pretty and pretend he’s a gentleman, as if saying “Pillows, what pillows?”.  This photo was taken by our very talented wedding photographers Davina + Daniel on a casual Sunday afternoon."
- Nataly

"this is gizmo.. do pillows count as furniture?? :)"
- J. Formoso

"This is our little princess, Gwen. She's a one year old Boston Terrier and lives up to the breed's reputation. She's a big cuddler and when either myself or my husband are not around, she settles for our couch pillows. Such a cutie!"
- Melissa

"It's hard to narrow down my choices as my two boxers LOVE the furniture and they always sleep in crazy positions, but this is by far my favorite. Taken the first week we had Millie home. At 9 weeks old, she couldn't even barely get up on the sofa and I guess trying so hard wore her out. She slept like that for a good 30mins and boxers are notorious for their snoring."
"Here are 2 more to check out.One is a better shot of the room, but it looks almost as if they are trying to blend in. Hehe. Maybe if I don't see them they won't have to go in their crates when I leave. :)"
- Katherine

"Oscar, one of your many kitties, peeking over a 10th century Cambodian statue of the Hindu god Shiva"
- Caroline

"Well, we've added to our family- meet Pickle! But Pickle here was mighty jealous when she found out Pepper & Skitchman had BOTH been featured on Pets On Furniture, so she decided to do some posing of her own & wanted me to share with you. Here she is on our newly painted guest-bed."
- Tess

"Here's a couple submissions of my beagle mix Charley on my Luna high-back chair"
- Megan

"Here is Mickey and Pumpkin getting ready for bed..."
- Danielle

"If somebody thinks that cats and dogs don’t live in harmony, it’s time to stop watching Looney Tunes cartoon. My black cat Otylia and Frota the airedale terrier dog spend all day together. Sometimes Frota thinks that she is like a cat and climbs high on my flat furniture. Now, they are sitting on yellow commode in front of a tree, which I made from a stripped birch-tree. That decorative tree  I tried to transform my wall, where I will soon hang pictures. Best wishes from Poland!"
- Maggie

Here in France we have Pets on furniture too…His  name is Frikadel from the blog: Frikadel and Co The table was handmade just for us with real wood (oak) and old metal to fit our floor it look like a vintage one but it isn't."
- Isabelle

"Attached is a few pictures of my awesome havanese named Hudson. He is laying on my sofa in a living room which is his favorite spot!"
- Jessica


Monday's pets on furniture - part 1

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!!!)

"Stretch and Raymond (aka Buddy) here, with some pics from our cool San Francisco loft ..."

"Raymond is more into modernism..."

"...  while Stretch likes it a bit more eclectic:"

"When we are not lounging in our cool pad, we are busy campaigning against cancer."
- Julia

"This is Luigi, my little Pom. He definitely is spoiled, as you can see!"
- Andrea

"I'm attaching the picture of our turkish dog Yakamoz (his name means in Turkish "reflection of the moon on the sea") on our antique armchair..."
- Marie-France

"This is my first time submitting to Pets on Furniture, and granted, the chickens arent usually allowed in the house, but it is 40 deg C in Perth today and they are only five weeks old.  I put them in the lounge room in a crate and my almost four year old son decided they might like to watch tv.  What the...!! I know you dont like close ups but I did include one as they are so little they were a bit hard to see on the chair, which by the way was a junk shop find we had covered in a fantstic Osborne and Little fabric.  It perfectly matches the arches in our Moorish styed house.  The brown chicken is an Isa Brown named Dodo, she is very sweet, the grey-ish one is a Lavender Arucana named Zia (the eggs that she will eventually lay will be blue) and the black one is a Silkie named Lice (yes, like head lice but that is what said almost four year old insists egg yolks are called)."

"This was taken on the first snowfall of the year.  Henry LOVES snow and if he's not playing in it, he's watching it fall.  Even though he knows he's not allowed on the furniture he couldn't resist the view out the window from our chair."
- Danielle

"This here is my cat, Hollis. He loves a good Nelson bench."
- Sue

"We rescued our 2-year-old Lab, Dublin, about 4 months ago and it didn't take long for her to settle in and make herself at home on our comfy couches. The dog hair started to get outta control so we put down some soft fleece for her to lay on. She's so comfy that at times when she actually lays down on the floor it seems odd!"
- Karen and Jake

"This is Bean, our 2 year old Boston Terrier, on her very own recliner. The chair was a gift from her dog-grandparents. She was a little nervous about it at first, but soon made it a nice napping place."
- Jen & Ron

"Here's a picture of Max (L) & Maggie (R) sitting on our wicker furniture."
- Scott

"I think what he was trying to say is "Are you serious?" When I kindly asked Fletcher to remove his doggie self from the chair I just finished re-doing, either that or "Get lost lady" I'm not sure..."
- Tobi

"Spot the cat."
- Catherine

"i'd like to bring to your attention my pets on furniture - or rather, my pets on Doofs!! Mika is the Shih-Tzu and Disco is the tabby.  unfortunately, Disco passed away recently from a third-storey fatal fall. we were devastated :(  however, we hope his legacy can live on through these images."
- Johnny


Monday's pets on furniture - part 2

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!!!)

***Note: I am out on holidays next weekend for 10 days so there will be no pet posts for the next 2 Mondays, but please keep sending in entries for the Monday after I get back!

"This is 'Otto', my french bulldog seating in a Eames Lounge Chair."
- Juan

"Here are two photos of our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Finnegan, on a French arm chair in our dining room. (I thought it was appropriate to have our pup-- whose breed is infamous for its French nobility origins-- on a French chair)."
- Jessica

"Big guy on a bench in Santa Fe."
- Shannon

"Love your 'Pet's on Furniture' special and thought I would contribute two pictures of our cat Heidi doing her favorite thing - napping.=^..^="
- Doreen

"My name is Ana Hester and I am enclosing a picture of the cat Daragh, surveying the landscape from her perch upon the antique bookcase."
- Ana

"This is our Cheach, a dilute tortie. It's rather ridiculous how comfortable she can make herself."
- Ian

"I wanted to submit pictures of my family's two dogs. The first is our Chaweenie (dachshund-chihuahua) Peanut. He is tiny but he finds a way to take up the entire couch and use all of the pillows! The next is our Vizsla,Ginger, looking out the window from "her" chair at the kitchen table."
- Lauren

"My cat Josie.... clearly, she is the queen of the house."
- Matt

"here are two shots of my boxer, Stella on our is a hard life for stella"
- Stephanie

"While this isn't a fabulous picture of either Gordo or the couch (which my very dear friend and design guru calls the "world's most expensive dog bed"), I like the shot because the Gord has gone totally cammo in the granny blanket and throw. She's like: What dog, where? There's no dog here. Nothing to look at Pets on Furniture Monday Web Site, you, move along. Go look somewhere else for some Puppy on a Pappasan, there's no one here..."
- Priscilla


Monday's pets on furniture - part 1

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!!!)

***Note: I am out on holidays next weekend for 10 days so there will be no pet posts for the next 2 Mondays, but please keep sending in entries for the Monday after I get back!

"Meet Zidane. He's a 4 year old Boston Terrier and the love of our lives. Sure he snores and farts. But we adore him anyway. Technically Zidane isn't even supposed to be sitting on our white sofa. But I guess he thought if he sat super still no one would notice he was there. Even though Zidane is the star of this picture, the real talent is davina + daniel, two of the best people and photographers i know."
- Kate

"Thanks for the invitation. Here is my version."
- Mona

"attached is a picture of my dog Caramel. she loooves the couch."
- Mariel

"Beans can often be found on my Plycraft lounge. He really loves modern furniture. And blankets. Mostly he loves blankets."
- Jaime, Dog Milk

"This is a picture of my ever-growing Isabel. She can't seem to lay on anything without being upside down. Perhaps the world looks better that way to a cat..."
- Amanda

"My dog Mazie was so excited to be a part of pets on furniture in January that I wanted to send along a picture of my orange cat Gig'em so that he could get in on the fun! Here he is peeking out from his favorite spot behind my Marimekko shams on my ikea Malm bed."
- Christie

"This is Kitty and his young brother Oliver hanging out in a Bertoia chair. Photo snapped from cellphone, so I apologize if not the best quality."
- Tiffany
"This is our Spinone Italiano, Al Fresco. Call him Al. In fact, you can call him just about anything you want, but he will pointedly ignore you when he's on his favorite crewel wingback chair. He 'sneaks' - as only a 65 lb dog can - up on it, does his customary turn around, and settles in firmly. All because he thinks I am not home to chase him off. Winter finds his sleep a bit deeper, so we can pretty much go nose-to-nose with him and he barely makes eye contact."
- Margaret

"Here is Captain Jack Sparrow, know to his friends as Jack, and his motley crew of cats, Al, Socks and What's It, after a hard day of plundering, they take a well earned nap.......on yet another forbidden conquest."
- Jan

"If you met puggles Seymour + Mona, you would at times confuse them for little people. (Or at least they would like for you to think so.) We mostly think they are little dweebs with big hearts. If they are not in bed cuddled up napping, they are on their favorite chair, sunbathing or sitting at the table waiting for first course. Sometimes Mona gets a little confused, jumps on the table and lays in the middle, like she is the main course. Seymour loves to watch people cook or sit in front of the oven cooking mom's cookies. He won't budget if highly anticipates a fresh batch. Good luck trying to break that concentration."
- Nicole

"I wanted to share a quick snap of my little girl, Maxine, after a brisk walk in Central Park."
- Jill


Monday's pets on furniture - part 2

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!!!)

"Here's a picture of my bulldog magoo."
- Andrew

 "This is my Birman, Charlie-Anne. I was actually trying to take a 'before' picture of this sewing bench, since I was about to reupholster and refinish it. But Charlie just assumed I had my camera out to snap some glamour shots of her, so she hopped up on the bench and struck a pose."
- Cathy

 "This is my dog Venus, a 4-year old black lab. Her face is too cute to tell her to get off the furniture. This white couch is "her" couch. ( : "
- Rachel

 "A friend of mine sent me your site, and I have the great photo of my 120 lb. Weimaraner, Murphy, curled up on my grandmother's chair. I couldn't resist. It's my favorite chair and his, which means we have it out sometimes to decide who gets it. He usually wins. Most mornings, he'll sit on it (like a normal person, of course) and look out the window at all the commotion on the street. If he's not on the chair, he's either laying by our little space heater or trying to sit on someone's lap. Yes. He also thinks he's a lapdog. But that just makes us all love him even more!"
- Sarah Brown

"These are my two dogs, Ringo ( rat terrier) and Bonnie ( Pembroke Corgi). There are two chairs. They belonged to my husband's grandmother and I love the fabric."
- Jessica

"Here are some pictures of my Pomeranians taking a nap in our livingroom..."
- Marcela

"I thought I'd send a couple pictures of our dogs on the couches (even though they technically aren't allowed on the furniture!) for your pets on furniture posts. The first is of our dear Oliver. One night I couldn't find him and after searching everywhere I found him fast asleep on the couch in the living room. (In the dark he looked like another pillow). The second is of both our dogs, Oliver and Roxy, enjoying the late morning sun. You can even see our bearded dragon, Aladar, in this photo!"
- Nicole

"Here is a picture of my Maltese X, Oscar, in his favourite spot. Hope you can include it in your post. The throw rug on the couch is a necessity, as cream couches and dogs aren't a great mix! And here's my cat, George, on the same couch. Apologies - it's a bit too close and doesn't show as much of the couch, but I love the way he's tried to tuck himself under the throw!"
- Melinda

"Here are a couple shots of my cat, Ivey. I recently rescued her from a barn (a coyote had eaten some of her companions!), and prior to about three months ago, she had never spent a day indoors. As you can see, she's adjusting just fine! The first shot showcases her larger-than-life ears, although the rest of her is getting larger, too, thanks to the amount of time she spends lounging on "her" bed. In the second shot, she shows off her inventive way of sitting on the couch. Not exactly demure, is she?"
- Sara

"I am sending you a photo of my very photogenic and value neutral cat Keats who I am sure would love to do a proper sit-down pose in his favorite IKEA Tullsta chair, if he could bring himself to actually stop and sit down for one second! Alas, there is too much exploring that needs to be done, and he rushes on..."
- Yelena

"One of the great mysteries of cats: Why do they lay on hard surfaces when there are so many cozier spots in the house? Here's Sadie on our farm table. I like the second shot better, but she has the glowing eyes in that one."
- Leanne

"During our recent spate of massive snowstorms, my cats Coco and Tommy kept warm by cuddling on the couch.  And yes, the reason for that imperfectly-fitting slipcover is because of how much they scratched the original couch!  Oh the sacrifices we make for these animals..."
- Katie

"Attached is a photo of my cat, named Mouse. She’s a former stray who I adopted last April when she was just a fur, bones and a skinny gray tail. Since she’s not allowed at my table, Mouse has figured out she can both watch me eat and beg silently by sitting patiently at my desk. Her tactic seems to work - maybe because her eyes match my dad’s old childhood desk so perfectly."
- Julia