Monday's pets on furniture - part 2
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to and PLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!!!)
***Note: I am out on holidays next weekend for 10 days so there will be no pet posts for the next 2 Mondays, but please keep sending in entries for the Monday after I get back!
"This is 'Otto', my french bulldog seating in a Eames Lounge Chair."
- Juan
"Here are two photos of our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Finnegan, on a French arm chair in our dining room. (I thought it was appropriate to have our pup-- whose breed is infamous for its French nobility origins-- on a French chair)."
- Jessica
"Big guy on a bench in Santa Fe."
- Shannon
"Love your 'Pet's on Furniture' special and thought I would contribute two pictures of our cat Heidi doing her favorite thing - napping.=^..^="
- Doreen
"My name is Ana Hester and I am enclosing a picture of the cat Daragh, surveying the landscape from her perch upon the antique bookcase."
- Ana
"This is our Cheach, a dilute tortie. It's rather ridiculous how comfortable she can make herself."
- Ian
"I wanted to submit pictures of my family's two dogs. The first is our Chaweenie (dachshund-chihuahua) Peanut. He is tiny but he finds a way to take up the entire couch and use all of the pillows! The next is our Vizsla,Ginger, looking out the window from "her" chair at the kitchen table."
- Lauren
"My cat Josie.... clearly, she is the queen of the house."
- Matt
"here are two shots of my boxer, Stella on our is a hard life for stella"
- Stephanie
"While this isn't a fabulous picture of either Gordo or the couch (which my very dear friend and design guru calls the "world's most expensive dog bed"), I like the shot because the Gord has gone totally cammo in the granny blanket and throw. She's like: What dog, where? There's no dog here. Nothing to look at Pets on Furniture Monday Web Site, you, move along. Go look somewhere else for some Puppy on a Pappasan, there's no one here..."
- Priscilla
Reader Comments (13)
I LOVE how comfortable Stella the Boxer looks!
Great Post!
Had to look twice to make out Daragh on the bookcase as it really looks like a statue! Great picture!
I envy Otto since he has the luxury of being able to rest on the gorgeous Eames Lounge Chair!:-)
Great picture of Finnegan - nice chair and cool black background!
Stella is too cute! Love the display with the books saying "True Love"!
Also great picture of the dog on the bench in Santa Fe!
"Big guy on a bench in Santa Fe" is my fave! What a lovely photo- colors, dog, everything!
First pic of Stella is so adorable!
I am seriously obsessed with these. The facial expressions are priceless.
I love the pictures of Heidi - she is too cute! And that pillow in the second picture is awesome as well!
I have to tell you, I stopped checking this blog regularly because of these "pets on" posts. they are really for a very specific audience. would you two consider putting these posts on a separate channel of your blog (like the kim kitchen remodel) for people that are not interested in looking at grainy amateur photos of family members sprawling on randomly styled furniture? I know there is an audience for this but it seems like you publish every submission that you get with none of the editorial precision that you bring to your choice of tearsheets from lifestyle photographers etc.
Anon thanks for your brutal honesty. First, I do not post every entry I receive for the pet posts. I'd love for all the photos to be of the quality of a professional photographer but the majority of our readers are not pros. Second, these posts are published every Monday, late morning and early afternoon. Avoid stopping by during those times (although you say you've stopped reading alltogether so that's unfortunate). I'm not sure if you were using the kitchen remodel page as an example but I don't see how furniture and pets relates to my kitchen so they sure aren't going to be published there. And I shall assume you have no pets and/or aren't a very good photographer. If I am wrong, how about sending in an entry you think is worthy?
I'm a first time visitor of your blog, and I love every photo. More importantly, I love your idea "pets on furniture" and your blog. So, maybe you've lost one, but you certainly won me over!
You certainly won me over on both points: the pets on furniture feature and your usual incredible photography. What I like in both is the life, whether it's in the imagination it takes to turn church into castle or catching (as you said) the "spirit" and "joy" in the images of Ngoc Minh Ngo.
I am a first time visitor of your blog, and here I congratulate all of you, and all the owners of the pets and ferniture. The idea is great, amazing, and above all very tender. Otto is one of a kind French Bulldog, great picture!
Hi everybody!
Love the section "Monday's pet on furniture". All the pets look so adorable!. Stella is sooooo cute in both pictures and Otto looks like a truly "bon vivant".
Juanito must be proud of his dog...and the Eames chair as well. Congrats for both What else a person could want? a good companion and excellent furniture.
Fabrizio, I strongly recommend a frenchie. Besides their rough appereance they are sweet and tender. Specially suitable for ladies or men with a feminine side developed.
Regards to all.
Pets on Furniture is one of my favorite entries - I look forward to it every week! Not only because I think the pictures are hilarious and I smile at each one but it is nice to get an inside look at some readers' homes.
It's quite strange that anyone would think King Charles spaniels are French in origin, let alone famously so; like King Charles himself, they are English. It's also quite strange that anyone would think "infamous" means the same thing as "famous"; it means disgraced!