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« Monday's pets on furniture - part 2 | Main | Warning - retro may be hazardous to your health »

Monday's pets on furniture - part 1

If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture...and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's REALLY dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to and PUHLEASE don't send me closeups of your pet!!!)

"I wanted to send you pictures of my Weimaraner Cooper. He absolutely rules the household, but I wouldn't want it any other way. We always say he's lucky he's so pretty because it gets him out of a loads of trouble. I bought the chair he is sitting in years ago in college (for $20!) with the intentions of recovering it. I fell in love with the bones of it and see its great potential. Unfortunately for the chair, so has Cooper. Its amazing watching his 70lb. body curl up in it like he's a cat. He sits there every morning in the corner of my bedroom while I get ready for work."
- Mandy

"Here are photos of my French Bulldog Gromit at his "Aunt" Lindsey & "Uncle" Dave's Loft in Philadelphia over the Holiday's. My mom and I were the only one's up early in the morning (besides Gromit the Frenchie), and as we were drinking our coffee and talking, he kept trying to look out the window (he loves doing that at home like a cat!), but he obviously can't reach here since it's a huge loft window. He was making us laugh so I grabbed my camera, what came out of it were some great photos of Gromit on their leather couch in the sunshine."
- Jen

"I'm from Nashville, TN...this is my British Yellow Labrador, Buck in my fathers office.  He is NOT allowed on this leather chair but my father was out of town this day.  He's too cute to say no to."
- Jordan

"I am attaching a photo of Fiona, our lovely Llewellin Setter.  She is a very rare breed that originally hails from Wales, UK.  Llewellins are very closely related to English and Gordon Setters.   We adopted her so don’t have a lot of info about her history.  We are so happy to have found her though, as she has been an amazing dog.  Very affectionate, friendly and playful.  And, as you can see has made herself right at home.  We live in Toronto, ON."
- Carol

"My 9 year old daughter and I love your feature each Monday. She has been dying to contribute pics of her hammie "Elisabeth" (aka, the Great Hambini--she escapes!) but because she is so tiny (Chinese dwarf hamster)it has been hard to get a good pic."
- Mari Anne

"I know it's a little dark but... This is Maxzilla (Max for short) doing his favorite thing in my favorite chair :)"
- Stephanie

"This is my dear little rescue cat, Eva Peron, taking a nap on "her" brown faux-suede tufted bench, aka. Klic-klac.  We were in the process of moving, but despite the junk around her, she was determined to sleep. Move over Audrey plate."
- Liz

"To totally join in on the fun, I thought I'd submit pictures of my babies on the furniture. This first photo is of Ella Fitzgerald, our 9 month old American Bulldog.  She's sitting on our white slip-covered sofa. Normally, I don't keep a blanket on it, but I had just washed the slipcovers and lately, the dogs have been sneaking up on it."
- Carissa

"I'm FLORA (a cat) from Argentina."
- Gabi

"Okay, Zia the longhair chihuahua isn't ON the furniture, but she would be if she could jump. This corner of my dad's house features furniture from the sorely missed Bombay Store.
It looks like a loveseat, but actually it is the Great Dane's Bed.  Luci snoozes and lets the chihuahua Suzie Quzie perch on the back.
- Julia

Reader Comments (10)

Oh I so enjoyed all these beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing!

8 Feb 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGreet

Hahah I love the weineriemer jammed in to that small chair! I need to get around to sending in an image of Bailey!

I just love this website!

8 Feb 2010 | Unregistered Commentermike

We love to see our P4D mascot, Gromit getting some fame among the pet community! He picks out great couches. He inspires us to find fun pet accessories for our readers too.

8 Feb 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPrimed4Design

THIS is my new all time favorite thing!!!!! I love it! Now I'm going to have to go some more pets.

8 Feb 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHerself

Too cute!!!!!

8 Feb 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAli

Love the picture of the weimaraner. So adorable curled up on that little chair!

8 Feb 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

Love all these photos!! Problem: I can't pick a favourite, they're all so cute!!
Victoria @ DesignTies

9 Feb 2010 | Unregistered CommenterVictoria

Great photos, but I must say my favorite is the very tiny but brave "Elisabeth", the Chinese dwarf hamster. She looks oddly at home on that tufted ottoman. Wouldn't it be great if every tuft was full of hamster "merekats" popping up?

9 Feb 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGail

I'm not sure about all of these Monday morning pets on furniture! I love my dog but I love this blog more for all the great homes! Any chance you could weed down the number of pets, or do that in another blog...I just really love all the other stuff! (And it's a lot to scroll past at the moment!)

17 Feb 2010 | Unregistered Commentervictorian

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