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Entries in neutral (158)


Cochrane Design

As I get older, my tastes have changed drastically and I am definitively finding myself more attracted to neutral spaces, that are designed a little more on the sophisticated side. The London based interior design firm Cochrane Design seems to specialize in just that - simple spaces that feel so warm and calm with lots of cream, silver, taupe and grey with dark accents to add a bit of drama. So gorgeous. I adore this first bedroom, and I am a big fan of substantial kitchen islands like the one in the third photo. They can turn an ordinary kitchen into an extraordinary kitchen.

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The natural (brown) collection

I'm having a design crisis. I'm finding myself drawn to brown. Not just brown but neutrals, no ... naturals, maybe wood ... and stone ... maybe brick. Grass and feathers and gnarly old branches next to turned bowls of eggs and seed pods. It's clutter and collections and brown .... brown ... natural ... oh and copper and brass and antiques and hemp and sisal and hand made furniture and back to brown. It's driving me crazy but I can't help it. I found this home in the countryside just outside Berrima in New South Wales on my regular real estate stalking and I should be running screaming shouting "no", "no", "no" but ... I'm kind of hooked. It bothers me but perhaps it shouldn't. Link here while it lasts.

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Simple on a Friday

With all of the interiors I am exposed to because of this blog, many times I find myself really enjoying the simple, neutral spaces that are soothing to the eye. Like these photos of a Parisian apartment via Norwegian magazine Interiør Magasinet. (Photos by Mikkel Russel) 


Night and day

I'll start this post by saying that I would happily move into Les Interieurs' studio in Newport Beach and blissfully live amongst the stock. I adore Pamela Makin's work.  Remember this ...

from this post? I didn't think it could get any better. Well it has. New work from Les Interieurs. I think of it as night and day. Black, white and natural. Tribal, timber and art and artifact. It's just perfect. The homes today are moody and black or atmospheric and naturally neutral ... or both. Perfect.

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Sarah Jane Nielsen

Sometimes the sensory overload that this blog can bring makes me crave some simple, neutral spaces. When I found the website of UK interior designer Sarah Jane Nielsen, I was very appreciative of her unpretentious, tranquil designs. Like these. 

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