First random piece of business today is the Urban Barn chairity competition I am a part of. Thursday night I got to see my chair in person and I am so happy with how it turned out (photo above). I love it. The chair is SO comfortable and the grey fabric I chose is heavenly (and perfect for pet owners!). Today is the last day to vote, and then from Monday until the 18th it will be up for auction. (The like buttons under each chair will turn to a bid button. People will then be redirected to eBay where they will place their bids.) Proceeds go to charity, and I chose a local cat rescue organization that helped me recently with a stray cat I rescued. They are overflowing with cats (200 last I heard) and are desperate for funding. So please vote today, and bid if you'd like to take my chair home and help a wonderful organization. I am tempted to bid but I have zero space for another piece of furniture in my house. :(
At the in-store event Thursday night I took a few photos around the shop of items that caught my eye:

And of course, I had to bring some goodies home with me:

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