Photographer crush
I have had a crush on Toronto photographer Angus Fergusson (ok, his work really) since the dawn of time...or when I started reading shelter magazines religiously. Like white on rice, or stray cats to my house, Angus' work is all over Canadian mags and has been for some time. The 15 photos below prove I'm not just running my mouth off. (P.S. Jo's crushing too - see here).
Reader Comments (9)
Love love love this!
Gorgeous! That first shot is styled so perfectly I NEED that canvas in my life! Plus the side table...and might as well grab the chair while I"m at it! Beautifully composed, such a stylized perspective...thanks for the intro!
Peace. Love. LOL!
crushing. crushing hard! these are just amazing!
The last picture is sooooo charming. Every picture has beauty one way or another.
I quite like all of those kitchens and really wish that mine looked like that
The photographer really has a sense of perspective, all the lines in the photos really pop for me.
Thanks for sharing!
Does anyone know where I can get the artwork from picture number 7 from? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks! :)
I love the room with the (printed?) dark walls and the table. I'm like to see the rest of the room; it reminds me of a Ralph Lauren ad I saw back in high school.
The church is a very nice project of architects Edward Mott and Joseph Martin! They are the best in traditional beatuiful lines!