The other day a reader named D sent an email with a link to a beautiful home that recently went up for sale in Stouffville (a town near Toronto). This home was designed in 1967 by Ronald Thom, who happens to be a famous Canadian architect, and coincidentally the late father of Emma, my veterinarian. It is absolutely stunning inside and out. Located on 15 acres, this home is a work of art, and takes advantage of the outdoors unlike any house I have ever seen (at least in Canada). Unfortunately the current homeowners who have lived in the home for 11 years had renovated the kitchen and master bathroom - I would have loved to have seen the spaces in their original glory. When I sent Emma the link and commented on how terrible some of the furnishings are she said her father would be spinning in his grave - especially because of the hideous tub for 2 now located in the master bath, which is so hideous I could not bring myself to include a photo in this post. She added "He used to design furniture for his houses when he thought the owners didn't have enough taste to buy the right stuff. Arrogant SOB, but he was usually right."...such as the dining table as mentioned in this article in The Globe and Mail. I hope the new homeowners who fork over the $2.5 million they're asking for this home aren't going to attempt modernize the home any more than it already has been. Oh, the fun one could have filling this with classic mid century furnishings... (This post is in honour of my friend Tom who is restoring an LA home to it's mid-century beginnings - Tom, I thought you'd enjoy this one)

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