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Entries in books (114)


Martyn Thompson - Interiors

Still looking for last minute gifts? All done and deserve something special for yourself? Need a little design book inspiration? There is still time to visit a bricks and mortar bookshop (remember those from pre-Amazon days?) and pick up a copy of Martyn Thompson - Interiors. Come on let's face it. We are all hard core interiors addicts and this is a book will feed that addiction so well. Thompson's work is moody, dark, the antithesis of picture perfect. His photographs reek of atmosphere. He tells stories with shadows. A painter's approach almost to what he captures through his lens. From the homes and creative spaces of John Derian and Thomas O'Brien to Achille Castiglioni and Hella Jongerius this book is so beautiful in the hand, so lush. Still a couple more shopping days left. Buy it for someone you know will appreciate it ... yourself.

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Have you got your hands on Sibella Court's new book Nomad yet? A feast of beautiful images, a veritable orgy of fabulous objects, Sibella's latest is as stunning as her award winning Etcetera. Image after inspiring image, tales of travels and of incorporating treasures into everyday life. It's globetrotting and daydreaming from the comfort of your lounge chair. Life is so much more beautiful seen through Sibella's eyes. Nomad is a perfect example of why the printed book will always exist. As wonderful as the images are on screen the experience is taken to a whole other level by just sitting and feeling this tactile book, letting your eyes wander (and wonder) from page to page. The images here are by Sibella's brother the über talented Chris Court. His lush, colour rich shots convey Sibella's bower bird aesthetic perfectly. Am I gushing? Yes. This is a must have for those who love a visual feast.

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The New Artisans

Yesterday I got my hands on a beautiful book. Well I had to fight two friends who wouldn't give it back. The New Artisans by Olivier Dupon and pulished by Thames & Hudson is a must have book. A beautiful, simple celebration of the handmade and the one of a kind it takes an intimate look at 75 artisans around the globe who share the joy of creating beauty with their hands. Some you will know from blogs, others will be new to you but they are all leading members of the growing community who cherish handmade made exceptionally well. Over 850 images, 75 profiles, 320 pages, listings by category and all of it gorgeous and covetable. A lovely Christmas gift idea. The book is available online and in bookstores. The Facebook page is here. Also don't miss Olivier's blog Dossier 37.

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New book!

I was stoked to get my hands on a new book (out November 1st, from Clarkson Potter) by Celerie Kemble called Black and White (And a Bit in Between). Being a HUGE fan of black and white decor, this book was completely for me. It's got a bit of everything, from classic to rustic to über modern. And I was pleasantly surprised to find some of my favourite black and white spaces - including photo #3 below (which Celerie also loves, as she has had it hung above her desk for years). There's even a photo of Celerie's to-die-for bathroom (photo #2 below). This book is a keeper, and I would highly recommend it to anyone with a love for this colour scheme. Get yourself a copy here or here (among others).

For Celerie Kemble and her acclaimed designer peers, the possibilities of black and white home decor are endless and suit any aesthetic. In BLACK AND WHITE (AND A BIT IN BETWEEN), Celerie welcomes readers into more than 75 homes, sharing advice on choosing the best paints and finishes; adding patterns, accessories, and collections; building an entire room scheme based on inspiration from nature; and even choosing the perfect accent colors.

P.S. More photos from the book and some Ottawa news after the jump

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... and damn clever. Found in the portfolio of photographer Lesley Unruh. (Don't you just love the simplicity of this shot?). From Home from the Hardware Store: Transform Everyday Materials into Fabulous Home Furnishings by Kathleen Hackett and Stephen Antonson with photography of course by Lesley.