Have you got your hands on Sibella Court's new book Nomad yet? A feast of beautiful images, a veritable orgy of fabulous objects, Sibella's latest is as stunning as her award winning Etcetera. Image after inspiring image, tales of travels and of incorporating treasures into everyday life. It's globetrotting and daydreaming from the comfort of your lounge chair. Life is so much more beautiful seen through Sibella's eyes. Nomad is a perfect example of why the printed book will always exist. As wonderful as the images are on screen the experience is taken to a whole other level by just sitting and feeling this tactile book, letting your eyes wander (and wonder) from page to page. The images here are by Sibella's brother the über talented Chris Court. His lush, colour rich shots convey Sibella's bower bird aesthetic perfectly. Am I gushing? Yes. This is a must have for those who love a visual feast.
Reader Comments (18)
Jo, have you any idea of the name/provenance of the rope chair in the third picture? I Must Have It.
Thank you for showing these pics. I've been umming and ahhing about whether or not to buy this book, but those images have captivated me. BEAUTIFUL photography! I'll have to hint to someone to get this for me for Christmas now!
Tricia it's the knotted chair by Marcel Wanders produced by Cappellini. You won't get much change out of 4 grand though :(
@Tricia Rose - I think it's Marcel Wanders' Knotted Chair.
I recently went to an author's chat/ book launch where Sibella talked about the book an answered questions. It was so interesting! She was lovely and I'm convinced she has the dream job! Great books :)
Thank you for showing these inspiring pictures! As for my current life situation - I really like the one with crib set up in the living room - it looks easy and good, not destroying the overall look, but adding a funny detail to it!
And that picture with stairs next to red&white wall - great work!
Can anyone please tell me what that coil rope doily rug is in the 11th photo? Iv've been searching for it for ages and can't find it anywhere!!
Anyone have a line on the red and white wallpaper at the bottom of those stairs? It's amazing!!
Sibella is always a source of inspiration- such a talented lady! I cherish Etcetera and look forward to adding Nomad to my book collection.
Interesting curtains ;) And before someone starts lecturing: yes, I know about sun wheels and rune signs.
and apparently that should be sanskrit signs. Slap me with a wet noodle...
stunning. heading to amazon right now to purchase! thanks :)
Unordinary designs inspire a lot!
Love it! oh, and Merry Christmas to you too! :)
where would I find a couch like the one in the 3rd picture down??? I LOVE it! thanks in advanced
Lush. Reminds me of my grandma's house, but I assure you, in the best possible way.
Hello! Where can I find the wood-frame bed in pics 6 and 10? Thank you :)
I have been looking for the curtain, (that is split up half way in a triangled shape above a bed). A pinned posted it on Pinterest and I have seen the same curtain on another pin. I really love it and cannot find it through my research. I will be using it as a kitchen curtain with a old world feel. Can you help me? Can I ask humbly where you purchased the curtain? Sincerly, Debra Howell. And, Thank You!