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Entries in books (114)


Salvage Secrets

Joanne Palmisano had sent along a submission recently for my pet on furniture feature recently that had a DIY spin (at the end of this post). It seems she is the queen of DIY, and had a book out called Salvage Secrets that she kindly sent me. It's my type of book as I love the idea if re-claim/re-use. It showcases so many ideas of how to transform reclaimed materials into design concepts, and the book's content is organized by materials - wood, glass, metal, stone, concrete, brick, ceramics and lighting. Lots of DIY inspiration here. Below are a sample of my favourite uses of rescued materials. 

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Bookcase ladder

Cool bookcase from Brooklyn based architects and designers Workstead. A ladder that reaches to an operable skylight forms part of the bookcase structure.


New Style Generation Gen.Two

As promised, a look inside the virtual covers of New Style Generation Gen.Two by Iben Ahlberg & Niels Ahlberg. If possible even better than the first in the e-book series, Gen.One. Beautiful homes, beautiful images.  As Niels explains, "In Gen.Two we have collected some really great homes - not exactly main stream style wise, but still very Scandinavian with great inspirations. We have joined a couple of stories from some of Danish interior designers setting today's agenda of the main interior styles in Scandinavia in the book too. All features still coming under the heading: 'Cosmopolitans, Wilderness and Vintage'. 90 pages of beautiful impressive photos you can zoom into for a closer view, in this interactive book."

If I could crawl through an iPad screen I would. Anything to live in these amazing homes.

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New Style Generation Gen.One

Swoon! Nordic interiors. Fabulous photos. Fabulous photos of Nordic interiors! What more could you ask for? New Style Generation by Iben Ahlberg & Niels Ahlbergis is a series of e-books available for download on your iPad with iBooks or on your computer with iTunes. Like a cool coffee table book yet interactive all for the price of a magazine. Gen.One is the first in the series created especially for iPad. Take a peek inside the homes of Nordic designers and trendsetters. The details, the inspiration, the ideas. Zoom in and drink it allin. Original content. Original homes. Here's a little teaser of what you will find. And come back later for look at Gen.Two.

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New books by Richard Powers

On my wish list three new books featuring images from one of the world's best interiors photographers Richard Powers.

New Paris Style by Danielle Miller. Published by Thames & Hudson. The glamorous homes of Parisian creatives from the fashion, design, film, music and art worlds. The chicest French style we are all craving.

The Iconic Interior by Dominic Bradbury. Published by Thames & Hudson. 100 of the 20th and 21st centuries' iconic interiors from across the world. Piero Fornasetti, Alvar Aalto, Marc Newson to Jonathan Adler. John Pawson, Frank Lloyd Wright, David Hicks and Tony Duquette. Inspiring and informative. Throw in the sexy photography amnd what more could a design junkie want.

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