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Entries in architect (1852)


Toshiko Mori

Toshiko Mori started her architecture firm in New York City in 1981. "The firm's specific area of interest is in materials and fabrication methods for architecture and in constantly using both new and traditional materials and techniques for integration of architecture with light and landscape." I adore the fact that their architecture involves huge expanses of windows. Fabulously modern.


Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects

Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects is an architecture and design firm that is internationally recognized for its design excellence, with 24 awards to their name. "We believe that architecture can have a positive influence on people by providing an environment that engenders freedom of thought, creativity and curiosity and it is from these beliefs and values that our designs are realized." I am in awe of the windows in these homes. LOVE LOVE LOVE


New York Apartment

I LOVE this apartment featured in New York Social Diary. It's the home of architect Adam Kushner, his wife and twins located in the West Village. Check out the doors pictured...they're vintage New York City subway doors!


Saunders Architecture

Ashley sent us a great link to Saunders Architecture a firm owned by Canadian Todd Saunders who has lived and worked in Norway since 1997. The work combines a Nordic design sensibility with environmental concerns. The summer house Ashley wants to share came about this way ...... "When we first started our firm, instead of looking for clients we went looking for plots, to build an experimental structure. Doing this, we could pursue our architectural vision in line with our convictions: uncompromising, original and respect for the landscape." Check out the other amazing projects on their website especially the Aurland Lookout. Thanks Ashley!


I LOVE this apartment

This is a rental apartment designed by WORK Architecture Company for Sharon Coplan Hurowitz, an art advisor. It is such a bright fun space....would love to come home to this every day.

Photos from New York Magazine