Leyden Lewis
From clean lined with mid century flourishes to traditional amped up with colour and modern art. From casually elegant to hard core bachelor pad. (Suspended and repositionable TV for the man cave anyone?) Brooklyn-based interior designer Leyden Lewis can take any style and make it his own. It's about drama and passion. It's about the performance. It's a masculine take on high end design.
Reader Comments (11)
I thought Lewden Lewis must surely be Australian until I read above that he was based in Brooklyn. His colours are so reminiscent of the Australian outback.
beautiful rooms and art! the bedroom that overooks the river(?) and the city beyond is simply fabulous! xx meenal
Masculine? Really? I'm female and I'd be very comfortable in any of the spaces. This is my style.
Wow... I found this blog on a list of design blogs. You are really fantastic. Kudos to your team for such a well done job on this site. I am definitely adding this to my blog roll and will share with customers interested in design ideas. As a home improvement contractor I am always looking for design inspiration ideas to share with customers. You are a treasure and a goldmine. Thx for doing such a fabulous job.
I love his color palette... and all the velvet. I, too, am surprised at the categorization of these rooms as masculine in design. They seem to me to be very androgynous... comfortable for folks at either end of the design spectrum. Very beautiful indeed.
Must have beer goggles on ;)'s nice but by judging from the posted photos I wouldn't consider the design masculine.
photo with light walls, white fp, dark mirror: I was surprised this wasn't a vintage snap. THat mousey-mushroom chair is lit in a way I'd have bet the photo was old! impressive (but not my style - dig the tv though)
those stairs.
that is all.
- agata.
My ex-parrot grandmother would have felt comfortable in these - they have a very odd old-world in the new-world sensibility. An immigrant sort of POV. I think the only 'masculine' vibe I get is in the cool, slick waiting room feel that's going on in some of them - example, the room with all the nature photography... or every room with a television, the exposed media just seems to set it off! If there was one piece of furniture I'd avoid while having Mr. Lewis do that thing he does - and I SO would, if I could! - it would be a desk. That's just asking to lose 'home-like' to 'office'. (I'd kill to have him do an office for me.)
I quite like this, but one thing just bugs me, and ruins the whole 5th picture, which was unfortunately, one of my favorites before I noticed; the multiple pictures randomly arranged in one frame completely negates the nice arrangement of picture frames covering the wall, and the not uniform white space within the frame is just so distracting.
But besides that nit-pick, I would love to live there.