Monday's pets on furniture - part 1
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet!)
My shiba Suzaku puts the "love" in "loveseat."
- JennyB (Washington, DC)
This is Molly our soft coated Wheaton terrier enjoying the couch in our family room over looking the garden. Her favourite spot in the house.
- Git (Toronto)
The photos attached are from a home office makeover my husband Brandon and I are currently working on, of course through the supervision of our cats.
- Jill
My late dog, Margret (a shepherd/terrier mix) on her daybed. She always had the best taste in fabric.
- Sue (Los Angeles)
Here is a picture of my daughter's first fish named Jack. He is swimming around above Kelly Wearstler in front of a chic vintage mirror that can be found on my Etsy shop.
- Melanie (Denver)
Our little british blue, Hudson.
- Lauren (Australia)
Sunny Rae on a my sister-in-law's thrifted chair. Don't tell her I let the dog on it! lol.
- Brittney
My new estate store find that I recovered in great fabric gifted to me by my best friend and of course Tinkers my 3 year old kitty's new favorite place to nap.
- Jen (Lynchburg, VA)
This photo is of Maurice and Brittney the Boston Terriers from New York City in their Lazyboy chair.
- Eric
My cat, Mr.Paw, just loves to take his afternoon nap on this tray. :) You can see the actual furniture below the server, which is dark brown willow trunk. We keep our sheets and pillows there and consequently get a little more space to our closets.
- Kaisa (Helsinki, Finland)
The first photo is of a dog we met at an Inn my daughter, father and i stayed at in Treknow England, she was very well behaved and friendly, she just loved to sit in the window and see what was happening outside. The second photo is of my husbands 'interesting' rescue cat Spike, it's hard to get photos of him because his definition of furniture is usually one of us, we are here simply to feed him and keep him warm I am sure, he does however find time to take over the hutch above my desk and put me on edge as he brush past the ornaments sitting on top, I often joke he does it on purpose.
- Katie (Yarra Valley, Australia)
Reader Comments (16)
I love Hudson..... and the circus cats of Jill, hahaha
this is one of the cutest pets on furniture i've seen in a while! still oooh-ing and aaaw-ing~!
Oh those cats on the chair are just precious!
Git -- where is that wallpaper from? Love it!
Brandon must have some good powers of concentration!
I also want to know where that wallpaper is from... It’s so beautiful.
Margaret is just beautiful on her daybed; sorry for your loss, Sue.
Jill, those photos of Brandon and the cats are hilarious; aren't they helpful supervisors, though?
I love them all!
I just love Brandon and Jill''s cats - they clearly love to be in the loop. And, I may be a little bias as their Auntie. Love them!
The cats are killing me! The solid black one is hysterical! Great pictures!
awesome pets as always, but those pictures of cats supervising Brandon are the best --- that's what I call "close supervision."
I love it that someone would get (or allow their dogs to acquire) their very own lazyboy recliner. That's good pet guardianship!
Love this feature. Thanks Kim!
The cats! OMG! The cats!!! =)
Oh, I love this series! I'll have to get a good shot of my Robin to send in. So cute!
Definitely one of the best pet posts you've had in a long time! Great rooms, good furniture, and I WANT A PET!!!
I LOVE this contest! I have a pet who destroys furniture...let's just say chewing wood is his favorite pasttime, so the more expensive/valuable the piece, the more poignant the photo.
I love pets on furniture. Makes me smile every time! :)