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The country cottage

Wouldn't life be sweet if this was your weekender in the country? Minimal but stylish with comfort and luxury, views and a wonderful site. Wyldes Meadow by Katon Redgen Matheison.

"All three partners lead an approach to design that is grounded in Modernist principles of authentic, timeless design and planning rigour. Central to this philosophy is a strong sense of scale, form and material, and an emphasis on finely detailed spaces built to outlast changing fashions." Simply stunning.

Reader Comments (4)

Like the best imaginary sort of monastery. Limpid peace.

21 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTricia Rose

Really doesn't look like it would feel relaxing to me.

21 Nov 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWyGal

The windows of the cottage are beautiful..

22 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commentermartina

more more more, can we see more?

24 Nov 2011 | Unregistered Commenterzach

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