Monday's pets on furniture - part 2
If you'd like to send us photos to include in next week's "pets on furniture" post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off...and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it's dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don't send closeups of your pet!)
I decided to send some pictures of my persian cat Maggie. She is 5 years old and loves to walk around the house. Her favorite places are our bed, the living room couch and the kitchen chairs.
- Carolina (from Aveiro, Portugal now living in Amsterdam, Netherlands)
This is Bowie, a gorgeous 8month old ragdoll. He is sleeping on the lounge on the first few pics and on the last one in his usual position in between my keyboard and monitor with his paws hanging over the keyboard. Makes for fun working!
- Natalie (Sydney, Australia)
I have attached a couple photos of my cats Jin and Polly. The first photo is Jin on my new hand-me-down 70s Norwegian platform bed. The second photo is Polly on her "tuffet" - a Pier 1 wicker ottoman.
- Taylor (Oklahoma)
A fun tribue to your Pet series!
- Patti
American shorthair getting a little reading in.
- Anne (Jersey City, NJ)
Enclosed a picture of Diesel, my 6 year old French Bulldog, on a cowhide (I know, not really furniture but I had to try…) and on the couch. His favorite things to do are sleeping and staring out the window.
- Inge (The Netherlands)
I was shooting the new design I did in our fireplace (reuse of parquet flooring) to display on my blog and Kimy, our Yorkshire, was sitting on the couch!
- Marion (Brazil)
This is our puppy "Olive" briefly sitting still.
- Lora (Nashville, TN)
Here is Virgola testing out our brand new Ikea bench and cushions. We hadn't even tightened the last screw that she had already leaped onto it. She surely seems to appreciate it.
- Teresa (Lodi, Italy)
These are our pets: Trini the dog and Boots the cat. Trini is in her favourite spot, at the corner of my mother's old couch and boots in his, a decorative bowl of sorts.
- Wria (Toronto)
Thought it would be cute if you had a holiday "Pet by Christmas tree"
- Sunny
Reader Comments (8)
I love Mondays b/c of Pets on Furniture!
I also love this series! I always look here for french bulldogs, and today there is one :) I love these dogs, have one :)
If nothing makes me smile a day, pet´s on furniture does. ALWAYS. GRANTED! THAAAAAANKS A LOT TO ALL OF YOU, your blog, the senders and clearly the pets!
Noone can resist a cat or a cute puppy. Thanks for finding some consolation for Monday.
So November dreary here, and yet these Pets on Furniture are so cheery! Thanks to all for sharing!
Patti's pic - while it doesn't fit the profile - is an amazing image. The contrasts and textures are wonderful. And like bumblebees can't fly, it's obvious Maggie can't walk around - her head is half of her entire body mass! Who knew cartoons came in very pretty live-action?
yet these Pets on Furniture are so cheery! Thanks to all for sharing!
So much love for pets on furniture!