Congrats Camilla
Just had to pop back to say congratulations to the lovely Camilla Molders on making the Top 50 Rooms 2011 as judged by Australian House & Garden. The smile that stretched across my face as I flicked through the magazine and thought "I know that room, I know that designer. We've drunk too much together." Well deserved Camilla. (This photo is snagged from the magazine website and is by Derek Swalwell. Camilla if you have a larger file we'd love to have it so I can upload it nice and big.)
Reader Comments (7)
that art piece in the back is spectacular!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! The use of color, the work of art, the way its really homey and laid-back...
Is that a dark blue wall I see in the garden, Jo?
The room is lovely, especially the kitten! I think they won the prize for her.
Very unusual art. I could not stop viewing Derek Swalwell's photography on his site. Awesome images.
Oh man- that is one great room...did you start with the art? must have...WOW!
Aw what a lovely surprise to come across in my DTI huntings this morn!!
Thank you lovely Jo - we really must drink tooooooo much again sometime soon!!!!!
& nup.....I dont have a larger pic! If i get my hands upon I will share!
& in anwer to a question above - the wall outside is painted charcoal - looks especially lovely at the moment as all my red kangaroo paws are in bloom!
This is a perfect space, well done!
Go Camilla !!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your bold use of colour !! No biege for me !!!