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Congrats Camilla

Just had to pop back to say congratulations to the lovely Camilla Molders on making the Top 50 Rooms 2011 as judged by Australian House & Garden. The smile that stretched across my face as I flicked through the magazine and thought "I know that room, I know that designer. We've drunk too much together." Well deserved Camilla. (This photo is snagged from the magazine website and is by Derek Swalwell. Camilla if you have a larger file we'd love to have it so I can upload it nice and big.)

Reader Comments (7)

that art piece in the back is spectacular!

4 Oct 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSupal

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! The use of color, the work of art, the way its really homey and laid-back...

4 Oct 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCata

Is that a dark blue wall I see in the garden, Jo?

The room is lovely, especially the kitten! I think they won the prize for her.

Very unusual art. I could not stop viewing Derek Swalwell's photography on his site. Awesome images.

4 Oct 2011 | Unregistered Commentersue

Oh man- that is one great room...did you start with the art? must have...WOW!

4 Oct 2011 | Unregistered Commentershannon8foot6

Aw what a lovely surprise to come across in my DTI huntings this morn!!
Thank you lovely Jo - we really must drink tooooooo much again sometime soon!!!!!

& nup.....I dont have a larger pic! If i get my hands upon I will share!
& in anwer to a question above - the wall outside is painted charcoal - looks especially lovely at the moment as all my red kangaroo paws are in bloom!

This is a perfect space, well done!

11 Oct 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLindaInfa

Go Camilla !!! LOVE LOVE LOVE your bold use of colour !! No biege for me !!!

14 Oct 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrosie

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