A completely renovated first apartment
We received an email from Ron and it started off like this: "I'm 27 years old and live in Tel Aviv Israel, currently an industrial design student. Me and my girlfriend just bought our first apartment and decided to design it completely by ourselves." Now before I continue I have got to show you a few of the before photos.
And some info on what went on after they had their way with their new apartment:
"In short we re-did the whole place:
Tore down the wall in the kitchen opening it up to the living room and dining area.
United the the bathroom making one long and spacious bathroom
Made the bedroom bigger by closing a indoor balcony.
A bar that comes out of the wall.
I personally designed and built most of the items seen in the pictures:
Large wall clock
Floating unit below the tv
round table and red chairs
table, pipe lamp and the cats playing area which is hung in the red room
faucet in the bathroom
wooden bar
lights in the living room (with red cords)
bed and side table in bedroom. "
I cannot even put into words how in awe I am of Ron's talent. Seriously. This apartment is FULL of creative and such well-executed items. See for yourselves. (I told him I may steal the cat play area idea). Check out his website HERE.
And SO MUCH MORE after the jump.
To see the newest trends in Bathroom designs for new apartments you can visit iBuyNew which feature Melbourne new apartment designs and Sydney new apartment architecture.
Reader Comments (560)
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This is amazing, so unique! The clock is especially original and well done. Thanks for sharing these photos!
New Ideas for my daughters room, now it won't look so dark in there.
Amazing simply amazing!
I so loved the way you contructed your comfort room.
i love the bright telephone on the gray walls. even though its such a beautiful renovation--all i can think about is, "i hope all those clocks don't tick!" haha.
Awesome makeover.I love it all fantastic work
Absolutely stunning...best ideas I have seen in a long time!
Wow! This looks amazing. You have our attention!
stunning! Incredible effort!
Fantastic job! Just started getting apartments for this first time and this is really inspiring.
is very interesting..
The clock display!!!!!!!!! need I say more? He is good!
Great.Creativity. The interior design reflects your personality. Be aware of your designer attitude.
The set-up of the apartment looks just like lucas' in the pc game indigo prophecy:D
real good. must have been a great job to do!
Wow! I am REALLY impressed - fabulous space.
Your work is awesome. Thanks for sharing.
What a transformation! This is great use of space and I really love the colors :)
Outstanding, great work I do not have a favorite because I love it all.
You totally ROCK!!!!! Are you and the misses interested in having a roommate? I cook! :)
Great Job!! I watch HGTV regularly and you should have won a reward for your renovations. The clock is amazing.
My God !!! Unbelievable, I will love to make my apartment renew like that specially that clock .
Wow! Can't think of any other word that fits. You are one super clever person, and I hope you are really happy in your wonderful apartment, with your wonderful cat. Thanks so much for sharing this - I'll certainly pass it on to others.
Cheers ... Beejay4016
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