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New art!

About a week after my wedding Stephen, one of the creators of the online art gallery Ugallery, emailed to let us know they had launched a sister site to Ugallery called Paperwork that offers limited edition, sustainable prints starting at $20. All of the artwork is printed archivally on bamboo paper, the world's first eco-friendly fine art paper. He also asked if I wanted to select a print as a wedding gift. I jumped at the chance because I LOVE artwork - especially photographic prints. There was one on the home page that immediately caught my eye. It's called Milk Splash by Seattle photographer Chelsea Fisher (get it HERE). It is SO FUN and I adore it. Since Jeff moved in and we're planning a ton of work on the house everything is in disarray so for now the print is hanging right above my desk. Thanks Stephen!!


From Gen

A devoted multiple-times-a-day reader of the blog named Gen emailed me while I was on vacation to tell me about a couple of things. First she mentionned a huge, and I mean HUGE dinner party that took place in a secret location in Montreal on August 19th, called Dîner en blanc or Dinner in White . "At the last minute, a message is sent to thousands of friends and acquaintances who have been patiently waiting to learn the “Dîner en Blanc’s” secret location, and a “flash mob” dressed all in white, and conducting themselves with the greatest decorum, elegance, and etiquette, all meet for a mass “chic picnic” in a public space." HOW COOL IS THAT?!?! Apparently it's been going on in Paris every year for the past 20 years, and now has 15,000 participants. This year was Montreal's second year hosting the event, and 2,200 people attended. Looks like it was a blast! (Photo below by Sean Mollitt)

Gen also mentionned how much she enjoys the blog and that she indirectly talks about it in a song she wrote called The Breaks. !!!!!!!!!! I LOVE the song and the video so I thought I'd embed it here so you all can enjoy it too.

The Domestic Crisis Group - The Breaks from Michèle Gauthier on Vimeo.


Back to house stuff

Enough about the wedding - let's get back to house stuff and other randomness. In the last little while I have acquired some pretty kitchen items such as footed trays and a beautiful bowl that I didn't really have anywhere to display. The only open shelving in my kitchen (and I don't have a dining room) was the one steel shelf over a section of my cabinets.


I luuuurve open shelving and being able to display kitchenware out in the open. On the weekend I finally decided to do something about it (for the meantime - I'm hoping with our house renos/additions to turn the current living room into a dining room, which means I will have plenty of space for showcasing my growing collection). I had 3 of the steel Ikea shelves from my old house but when I renovated the kitchen, I thought I wanted to keep it a bit sparse so I only installed one. Now I have all 3 shelves installed and it's fulfilled my burning desire to display more of my crap. Of course, I'll be fussing with the items on those shelves about a zillion times but whatever keeps me amused....


I'm now a married woman!

The wedding was FANTASTIC, everything went off without a hitch, the weather - while brutally hot - was ok otherwise and our 51 guests had a great time. We're off to brunch at my parent's house, but before we head out, I wanted to share a photo our photographer Sarah put up on her Flickr photostream. It's a beautiful photo and I can't wait to see the rest.


I am getting married tomorrow!

It's 10 pm July 23rd. By 4:30 pm tomorrow I will be married to the guy who has meant the world to me for the past 10 or so years.


Now I see why wedding planners are useful.

Here is the only photo I have for a sneak peak.