I was just about to start looking for photos on Flickr for tomorrow's post when I noticed that this month was a very sad month last year. On October 7th, 2009 I took one of my stray cats, Seymour, to the vets because his eyes were really goopy and I didn't want him to go through another winter sick. I was hopefully going to get his eyes fixed with some medications, get him neutered etc. and get him a forever home. That never happened. The vet ran some tests and he had a really severe case of FIV (cat's version of HIV). I had to have him put down that day. He was sooooo sweet and would have made a wonderful pet.

Then on October 14th, Oscar, another of my strays, showed up at my house wheezing REALLY badly. It was constant and he had a hard time breathing. When I got home from work, he was even worse. A mobile vet came to my house to check him out (he was a wild one and a trip to the vets would have been traumatic) and determined he had an upper respiratory infection, likely caused by FIV. She gave him a good dose of a sedative and put him in my powder room sink. Once it took effect I went in, said my goodbyes, and she went and gave him the shot. And then carried him out in a bag. He was a tough little f*cker but he was my pal and we spent a lot of time hanging out on my porch together.

And a few weeks ago, an Ottawa Flickr friend, "jadeblade", had to put her cat Poncho down. He was 17 years old and had kidney failure. He was a gorgeous Maine Coon and I loved checking out the new photos that would pop up on her photostream of Poncho.

RIP our furry little buddies.