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Canned ham

I noticed I have been neglecting my page for a while. Chock it up to a lack of free time which is SO irritating. Today is Thanksgiving though and nothing is open so I actually have time to post something here before I get a post ready for the main page. I was sent a link to a photo on Flickr from a reader named Rachel who emailed looking for inspiration to decorate her canned ham trailer. I told her I had no freaking clue what the hell a canned ham trailer was. It seems she is currently traveling around the US with her musician boyfriend to make a documentary about American music. They spent three months in southern Colorado fixing up a '54 Chevy and a matching 9 ft canned ham trailer to live in. And this is what she's talking about:

HOW CUTE IS THAT CAR AND TRAILER?!?!?! I love them both. Totally rad. I can't imagine living in such a teeny tiny space though. Good luck with that Rachel!

On that note, my sister's new cottage has a huge piece of land across the road from the land the cottage sits on and my husband has been on the hunt for a vintage Airstream trailer that we could buy (with my parent's pitching in) to put on the second lot to use as a "guest cottage". He's found a whack of them so far on UsedOttawa/Kijiji etc. I really hope we actually go through with this and get one (although my bro-in-law needs to check the Quebec laws on having one on a property because they're kind of picky over there). 

Reader Comments (2)

Oh, I love both the retro feel and the color!! Reminds me of my fave fridge :-D

13 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnja

The cottage is fantastic! Totally authentic "cottage". I love it. No doubt your whole family have years of fun ahead....

14 Oct 2010 | Unregistered CommentergirlaboutOtown

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