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Entries in soft furnishings (42)



Images from Vixen

Designer Rugs sent us an email about their new range of rugs by Georgina Chapman of Vixen. Georgina is a fabulously talented Australian fashion and textile designer. We gave a sneak peek of the rugs in our WINKS last Saturday but today I wanted to feature more of Georgina’s work. If boho modern is your thing visit Vixen’s website. You’re in for a treat. Lush patterns and fabrics not only in clothing but in a home wares range as well. Check out more of Designer Rugs’ range as well. Gorgeous rugs!

Images from Designer Rugs


Flying Duck

Craig of Flying Duck, based in Manchester, wrote to tell us about their wonderful creations of batik wall art, cushions and handbags. The patterns and colours are so vibrant and fun, with an organic feel. Very cool. Thanks for writing Craig!


Florence Broadhurst rugs

A different sort of WINKS this weekend. Robyn, one of our long term readers just sent this in. With 100 years of rug heritage and a highly successful flagship store in Battersea, Knots Interiors is thrilled to have the exclusive contract for Florence Broadhurst rugs launching at 100% Design,the UK's premier contemporary interiors event at Earls Court on the 20th-23rd September 2007. The rugs are hand-knotted in Nepal, using pure Tibetan wool and silk to highlight and contrast Florence Broadhurst’s fantastic designs. You'll recognise the Madam JoJo's interior from our post earlier this week. Thanks for the luscious link Robyn.


Fabulous darlings!

On the never ending search for something fab for my new place I came upon these little beauties on etsy. Funny, Kim happened on the same shop at the same time. WOW! was our reaction. Karen Hilton Designs is the sort of etsy shop that gets my credit card fingers itchy. Love her designs. Love her colour combinations. Love the fun. Empire and lashings of retro vibes. I was going to keep it a secret but .... just had to share!


Maison de Vacances

Robyn Jaquet of the UK sent Jo and I an email about a French company that designs fabrics and soft furnishings. She found some items of theirs in a store near her work and fell in love with the fabulous colours and textures. They have an amazing website with gorgeous photos of their products. Thanks Robyn!

"Maison de Vacances' style is a lifestyle before all. A style made for a life where desire turns to necessity. Modern, bearing the colours of life. Changing with seasons, open to any new horizon...Anywhere, anytime, it must follow all the desires of the persons who've adopted it."