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Entries in soft furnishings (42)


More David Jimenez

In my post the other day about David Jimenez someone asked about the source of the black and white pillows in these photos:

Since David and I are email pals now (LOL), I emailed him to find out. He was kind enough to respond with this: "The pillow is a design from ThomasPaul pillows. Unfortunately, they no longer carry that style but have them check out this web site for some other great pillow designs that are similar:" Thanks David!!


Curtain call

Suze Yalof Schwartz, Executive Fashion Editor at Large for GLAMOUR had a simple request when she emailed the other day. "Can you do a curtain story? Please :)" How can we resist? I found so many great images that this may be the start of a series of curtain calls. There's traditional. There's modern. There's colourful and neutral and for good luck I've included bamboo and roman blinds!

Elle DecorStudio Ilse
Maura McEvoy at Judith Miller IncPaul Costello
Burnham designArbogast Design Group
Darren ChungPalmer Weiss
Muriel BrandoliniNoel Jeffrey
Michael SmithJeffers Design Group

Philippe StarckHouse of Pictures
Jeffers Design GroupVoon Wong & Benson Saw
Jonathan AdlerSuzanne Kasler


A FANTASTIC mail day!

Today was one of the greatest mail days EVER!! Stuck between my screen door and front door were 2 packages that I had totally forgotten about. It was the 3 bargello pillows I won on eBay. I have developped quite an obsession for these pillows, and now own 8 of them. They are so colourful and vintage-retro looking. Perfect to hide the not so great colour of my vintage sofa.

I saved the best for last. I finally broke down and bought a cowhide rug, also on eBay, for my living room. I really wanted a "shapeless" rug because I had tried a couple of rectangular ones and they made the room look too small. It ended up being just under $200 including shipping and it arrived in less than a week. The cats love it too. Now I am for sure going to get a zebra one for my dressing room. (And no, I haven't had time to get my chairs upholstered yet).


What to do with a white sofa

Elena wrote the other day with a dilemma. A fun dilemma I'd say. "I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I'm officially hooked.You guys seem to have tons of inspirational room pictures so I was hoping you could help me out - see, my boyfriend and I just bought a gorgeous, plush white couch but I'm not sure how to decorate around it. We have white walls and the rest of our furniture is mostly brown. I was thinking jewel-toned accessories would go nicely and bring in some color, but I'm still not sure. Would it be possible for you guys to post some pictures of rooms with jewel tones and/or white sofas? I need some inspiration!" I readily agreed that jewel-tones would work, and went on the hunt for photos with white (or off-white) couches so Elena could see the endless options she has. Hope this inspires and be sure to send us photos when you've dolled up your couch!

Mary McDonaldIdeal Home
Lynn MorganLagerlings
Miles ReddJohn Loecke
DominoHouse to Home
Laura ArsieHouse of Pictures
O'Connor Design PartnersAmy Lau
DécormagLovelace Interiors


Marimekko MADNESS!!!

Chad from Always Mod emailed with a sweet deal for DTI readers. The site specializes in everything Marimekko, including a huge selection of Marimekko cotton and upholstery fabrics. GAWD I love Marimekko, and after looking around the shop I want it ALL!!! So here are the details:

Offer: 15% off entire order
When: Now through 2/29/08 (next Friday)
How: enter promotion code desiretoinspire at checkout
Why: everyone loves deals, especially on Marimekko!
Where:, the home of everything Marimekko

Thanks Chad!

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