Brazilian beauty
Some of the best inspiration is coming out of retail spaces these days and one of the hottest spots for design inspiration? Hair dressing and beauty salons. This amazing urban industrial meets eco chic with a splash of venetian glass girliness is to be found in a country that is white hot with hip design ideas - Brazil. Felippe emailed these photos of his Sao Paulo salon ... "the salon is called "bob salao de beleza" (roughly "bob beauty salon"). it is named after my partner, bob toscano, the hair stylist and makeup artist that leads the team. our website is under construction. for now it features basic info such as directions, phone #s, etc: (we are currently having some problems with our web host, but that should be sorted out soon.) interiors and most of the furniture by brazilian architect marcelo escanuela (still working on his website) and photo credits to roberta dab dab."
Check out the lighting! And the cave like brutalist concrete juxtaposed with the organic feel of the timber. And that red sink! Thanks Felippe. It's a fabulous cutting edge (pun intended) salon. I'm sure your work is just as hot!