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Entries in rustic (268)


Tiny house

A tiny house big on style, mighty where it counts. A small footprint, big use of re-use. Reclaiming, recycling, reinventing but definitely not rehashing. Fresh green design capped off with the freshest of new roofs, moss and green ferns. Jessica Helgerson's family home in Sauvie Island, just north of Portland, Oregon. Photography by Lincoln Barbour.

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Amelia Handegan

In keeping with the traditional theme I started earlier today, let me introduce you to Charleston, South Carolina interior designer Amelia Handegan. She has had the pleasure of working on several of Charleston's nationally recognized historic homes. Her mostly traditional decor is elegant yet comfortable and liveable, and I am smitten with the rustic cabins she designed. Really simple and really soothing. Lovely spaces. 

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A palace in Lisbon

We received the following email the other day from JoanaI thought you might want to take a look at Palácio Belmonte in Lisbon, Portugal. It's right in the heart of the old district of Castelo, two steps away from the castle. Palácio Belmonte was a noble family's residence for centuries; it has probably one of the best views in the city. It was one of the first palaces built in Lisbon (it dates back to 1449). It fell, however, in neglect; in the 90's, already in ruins, it was bought and patiently restored by a french entrepreneur. It is now a luxury hotel. I'm an architecture student and a photographer; when I came across the palace, by chance, I had no idea it even existed. You can walk right by it and not even notice it's there. There was a man playing the piano, though, and the music led to a cup of coffee, which led to a small walk inside the Palace. More than one year later, I eventually asked the owner for permission to go and take pictures; those are the images I'm sending you. WOW. I've always wanted to visit Portugal...and now I'm more determined than ever. This hotel is beautiful, and so are your photos Joana!

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Old and new 

As I've stated on this blog at least a dozen times, I love a space that is a combination of old and new. Modern blending with traditional. Opposing genres is unexpected and this tension really does it for me. The apartment below is a dream. Old world architecture that is to die for, mixed with rustic, classic and modern furnishings. The resulting juxtaposition is stunning. And OMG take a close look at the detail in the bedroom ceiling. (Via Le case di Elixìr)

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Domus Civita

"I thought that I would let you know that we have just added a simply stunning new property in Italy to our collection - it opened in August 2012 ...

Here a short description: The 14th century home is located in Civita di Bagnoregio, a medieval town only accessible by a pedestrian bridge. The house itself sits on top of Etruscan caves and tombs and a beautiful Roman water cistern, all of which are accessible from inside the house and open onto a beautiful hanging garden 4 stories down and through the cliff. There is a heated pool inside one of the largest caves and a unique wine cellar for guests inside the roman water cistern. The whole setting is simply amazing - please view the images attached below."

Chris Laugsch
Welcome Beyond

Stop it Chris. Stop messing with my head and my wandering heart. Another stunning getaway to add to my list. My "longing"list ... longing to escape, longing to runaway and live forever in a 14th century home in an Italian village only accessible by foot bridge. Longing to step back in time and longing to enjoy the luxury. Domus Civita via Welcome Beyond

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