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Entries in plants (48)


Hello I love you

You know when you see a photograph that stops you in your tracks? You know when you just want to crawl through the computer screen to be in that photograph? You know when you just love what you see? Then you know how I feel about these beautiful shots. By photographer Siren Lauvdal for Elle Decoration.


Green with envy

Love these fab, floral fancies. Envious that they aren't mine. Even more green with envy over the talent of photographer Jeroen van der Spek. Soft, natural light. A little moody, at times mysterious, still, waiting, marking time. Brilliant! Via STILLSTARS.



I absolutely love this house. Every bit of it. This completely renovated home, located in Barcelona, was designed by Egue y Seta. Original wooden beams were restored, and the kitchen (LOVE!) now expands 1/3 of the ground floor. I am totally enamoured with the tumbling block patterned tile that is used throughout the majority of the home - and don't get me started on the tiny hexagon tiles. L O V E !!!!!! (via Micasa

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Two for tea

I thought I'd end off the work week with a funky café designed by Manju Pinnell. It's the Cardamom Pod Vegetarian located in Broadbeach, Queensland. This café is beautiful - full of colour, life, gorgeous furniture and even a "grass" covered banquette! Great job Manju!

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Quick shop mentions

We've had a couple new advertisers join desire to inspire so I thought I'd do a quick post to plug their Etsy shops because they sell awesome products and I wanted to make sure you all went over and had a looksie.

First up is Michael McDowell's shop mudpuppy. I've been a long time fan of this shop and have had it marked as a favourite. Michael sells hand-crafted modern ceramic - mostly airplant hanging pods, baby head planters and chimes. I'll take one of each!

The next shop is Samantha's called Royal Countess where she sells modern, timeless jewelry. Lots of goodies here including earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings. I picked out a few favourites, below.