Sunday at the brewery
Instead of spending a fourth day in a row painting, I am dreaming about being in Stellenboschis, South Africa at this wonderful brewery called Wild Clover. Designed by Inhouse, this brewery also comprises a restaurant and deli and is a really fun space. The central focus of the space is no doubt the brewery itself. This room is sheathed in glass, allowing guests to view the beer-making process, which reinforces the foundations of the brand. manner. The bar and tasting area display impressive design elements such as striking pendant fittings suspended overhead that literally put the location's name up in lights! Guests can make a quick pitstop at the feature bar, which is crafted from timber and edged with beveled tiles, to sample Wild Clover’s special brews. Other design elements contribute to the contemporary aesthetic, such as randomly placed white and grey hexagonal tiles amalgamated into the sealed concrete flooring. Another truly unique feature comprises four floor-to-ceiling Perspex columns, each containing an essential ingredient of beer: yeast, barely, hops and water. To create a sense of privacy, a steel screen was installed to conceal the bathroom doors from the tasting room. The clever use of beer bottles built into this structure further reinforces the brand personality. Additionally, refurbished wine barrel lids are displayed on the wall parallel. The restaurant area is decorated with unusual brass pipe light fittings that heighten the undeniably quirky aesthetic. Brown banquet leather seating offers a comfortable yet stylish zone to enjoy the many delicious delights available from the outlet’s deli and kitchen.