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Entries in lighting (95)


Ode to Tord

I hereby declare today Tord Boontje day. (Well, how about Mother's Day until noon and then Tord Day from noon on). I was poking around on his website and thought that it was about time we did a Tord post. Because he rocks. It's as simple as that. These photos of his whimsical designs from his website speak for themselves. Let's all share a collective *sigh*.

Here are some photos I found that feature Tord lighting (plus one devoted Tord fan). There's a store here that sells his Midsummer light and I am sooooooo going this week to get one....or two....or three....


Nelson bubble lamp


Fuse Lighting

Mark Cutler is a good friend of this blog and has his own great blog. One of his links is to Fuse Lighting who custom made this fabulous chandelier to his design.

I thought I'd share some more of their amazing lighting. Semi precious stones and capiz shell are some of their materials. Love that looooooong shell chandelier!

Images from Fuse Lighting


Philippe Starck - Archimoon Lamp

Philippe Starck created the Archimoon lamp for Flos in the late 90's and has developed several styles since. The shade is so classic yet the articulating arm is wonderful modern touch. It is beautiful when utilized in Starck's interiors, as seen below.


Philippe Starck - Chandelier Porn

More Philippe Starck. This time chandeliers. Mr. Starck has a serious, SERIOUS thing for chandeliers - and it seems the bigger the better. So enjoy a little chandelier porn.

All images from Philippe Starck

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