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Entries in Kim's renos and decos (142)


Final kitchen design

I am blogging my entire kitchen renovation from start to finish! Greentea Design has provided me with their solid wood kitchen cabinets, and I'm taking care of the rest.

If you'd like to be brought up to date, check out my kitchen remodel blog for an archive of previous posts. This post I will show you the layout I went with, what cabinets I chose, and some 3D sketches of my new kitchen.

Initially I was concerned about what layout to choose because of the expense of changing windows and sealing up doors etc., but in the end I decided to spend the money on changes like these in order to have the kitchen I really want. It turned out not to be not as big of an expense as I thought, as I've gotten a quote from my contractor for all the work he needs to do to prepare for the cabinets and I did not have a heart attack. :) So I decided to make the window smaller, seal up the door and knock the wall to the living room down. The following photo was my next layout idea.

This was modified slightly for the final design because Greentea's cabinets are not really designed for corners, so the corner sink had to be moved and since I love kitchen sinks under a window, I decided to go for that. Here are some of the first 3D layout designs that Mike at Greentea created for me. I LOVE technology, and the fact that I get to see exactly what my kitchen will look like. He did several different angles as well which gives a clearer idea of the space I'm working with.

More of this post HERE


Don't let the cute pink cabinets fool you

So I’ve shown you all my horrible to slightly less horrible kitchen that I will be renovating, and next I thought I’d show you the layout ideas I had for the new kitchen. Here’s a photo to recap what the kitchen looks like currently:

I’ve done a rough drawing of the layout to make it clearer where everything is located. (Sorry but I don't know how to use software to do this so you'll have to bear with my lovely drawings).

As you can see, this kitchen is really REALLY badly designed. Or not designed as I see it. And the craftsmanship everywhere is AWFUL. The cabinets are made of solid wood (MDF?) – so the drawers are heavy and are a total pain to open and close. Half of the magnet latches to keep the doors closed are missing. The little built-in china cupboard with glass doors got a serious chuckle from my contractor. He thinks they are bi-fold closet doors made into cabinet doors. The island was made with scraps of tongue and groove paneling and bits of trim, and was initially left unpainted/unstained. There was an ugly square table that was built at the end of the island that I ripped off and tossed the day I moved in, that came with 2 cheap wooden chairs that I also tossed. The cabinet over the island is a pain to get into because you have to lean over the island to see into it. So that’s the cabinets in a nutshell.

For more gory details, check out the rest of this post HERE.


The journey begins...

A little while ago I hinted that I had a big project I was working on. Well, I thought it was about time to let you all in on it. Several months ago Jo and I were contacted by Mike at Greentea Design who was interested in an ad on the blog. I was stoked about this because I had seen their timber, Asian-style kitchen cabinets before and thought they were fantastic. I thought about how horrible my existing kitchen was and a lightbulb went off – why not see if they’d sponsor a kitchen reno project? And what do you know – they went for it!!! They agreed to supply me with the cabinets I needed, and in return I would blog about my kitchen renovation (most of which will be included on a new blog) from planning down to the finished product. A pretty decent tradeoff considering this is what I was working with:

(I had to use an old photo here because I know some of you will be sad to see the kitchen as it is now go in the dumpster).

For more of this post, click here.


Kim's place

It's been a busy weekend so far here at casa di Kim. I should be studying for a big test coming up at work, but who wants to study when it's beautiful outside and there's tons of thrifting and decorating to be done? I thought I'd share with you all what I managed to get done around here and some of the things I picked up yesterday.

I FINALLY got around to painting my rattan patio set. Luckily I bought 4 cans of spray paint (Key Lime), because that's how much it took - and it really could use a final coat. But by the end of the fourth can, my fingers were killing me. And next is to stencil the mammoth fence behind it for some added oomph.

About a week ago I went to Zone, one of my favourite home decor shops, in search of some deer heads to put on the wall above my yellow chair in the living room. It was looking a little bare with only my cuckoo clock. I couldn't find any that would work, so instead I bought a box of magnetic plastic flowers by Umbra. Not sure that I like them, but I stuck them up anyway and I hope they grow on me, because I'll have 25 holes to fill otherwise.

A parcel arrived from Jo last week that I was SO EXCITED about. She sent me 4 Balinese flags for my backyard, a bunch of pillow covers made from some awesome fabric she found on eBay (I'll use them in my bedroom if I ever get around to decorating it...the pillow in 2 photos above is one of them), a bust vase and a West German pot. The box showed up totally smashed in on one corner, so I'm amazed everything made it in one piece.

Yesterday I went to pick up a framed Tretchikoff print I won on eBay the other day. Now if I could just find more of these in thrift shops around here. I haven't figured out where she'll be hung yet.

I also went to a thrift shop near me and found a few goodies. (I almost ended up with 2 more peacock chairs but luckily they were too big to take home). The magazine rack is in the living room (see second photo above). The glasses are so pretty, with etchings in the glass you can't really see.

On a walk downtown last night (the rain finally let up), I found a little Asian dress shop that was open and acquired a few more trinkets.

That's it so's still early in the day....


My chairs are done!!!

Because I was stuck at work well into the evening yesterday, I didn't have time to get a post ready for this afternoon. And since I just got back from the upholsterer, I figured maybe I could get away with just posting my chairs with their new cushions I picked up. It was a bit costly, but OMG soooo worth it. She did an amazing job. Now if I can just keep the damn cats off them...