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Entries in grey (142)


Still spot

I'm lost in the London listings on onefinestay. "A fresh alternative to a hotel for a short stays, live like a local without compromising on service and comfort." May be a slogan but it seems to be true. Look at this oasis in the bustling city. Love the grey walls (the listing says duck egg blue but my monitor is definitely reading more grey ... I'm fantasising about that blue though), the pared back furnishings, a scattering of vintage and the historic details. Simplicity and style. So refreshing. Excuse me while I pop over to Beresford Terrace for a few days stay. I really need to straighten that sofa cushion ;)<

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Stalking muted elegance

Refined and elegant, muted colours and old family antiques, stunning views and a pool perched on the edge of the valley. Glen Athan at Berry in the Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales. A 105-acre retreat with a house that blends Australian heritage design with contemporary luxury. Love the wide rustic floor boards, the tongue and groove walls, the wonderful old 12 pane windows and the view. An impressive family pile. For sale here while the link lasts. One would need lots of new money to buy this old money farmhouse.

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Siren Lauvdal

I adore the pale colour scheme of this grouping of photos from Norwegian photographer Siren Lauvdal. So pretty and calming. 


To sleep perchance to dream

I feel the need to curl up in this bed and take an afternoon nap. Styling by Stella Nicolaisen.


Grey water

Love this twist on traditional bathroom by Alex MacArthur. Decadent and dark. If cleanliness is next to godliness then this grey ablutions room is perfect for those boys and girls who like to be a bit naughty but nice.