I have met a bunch of very talented, creative and just all around awesome people on Instagram lately, who have some seriously cool style and have done some wonderful decorating in their homes. I recently decided that it was about damn time I share some of these inspiring homes with you here on the blog. And the first person I wanted to introduce you to is Maren Ingeborg Gråblomst. Her dark, inky hued home is jaw-droppingly fabulous, and she is such a skilled photographer that I envy each and every photo she uploads to her Instagram account @villabetulablog. Trust me when I say you must go follow her immediately. And read her blog Villa Betula too while you're at it. So back to Maren's house. Don't be fooled by the adorable pale pink façade. There is something totally unexpected behind that door!
I'm Norwegian and I live in a hundred-year-old pink house with my husband. Inside it's filled with bold inky dark hues, vintage and low budget solutions. We spend almost all our time here in our living-working mash up – making documentaries (plus short films) and music, and slowly building up a recording studio. I've also started to paint on canvas, which I sell plotted on high-quality canvas. I want to do it more and will expand my "art store" on the blog. One of the reasons for my blog and Instagram is the flow and mindfullness the painting, decorating and photography gives me.
But what's most important to me is probably our music, Gråblomst. We release our second album this spring, and I'm really proud of this production if I can say so?! Life sounds so good, but most days dealing with my mental health problem is my hardest job. My goal is to make these days fewer and fewer, and to use more energy on all the things I enjoy.

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