New around my house
I spent all day yesterday getting the majority of my Christmas shopping done so I didn't have much time to prepare a post for today. I thought I'd just share some photos of new stuff around my house. To start, I finally pulled something out of storage I've been dying to display for a few years. When I got married in 2010, Jo sent me a Moroccan wedding blanket as a wedding gift. It is absolutely beautiful and one of my most treasured possessions. I had planned to hang it in the bedroom of my new house but since that house has been delayed, I figured to hell with it, and hung it over a branch we found at my sister's cottage and positioned it over the bed as a headboard. I love that I can see it every day. And the cats leave it alone so that's a bonus. (To note, my bedroom is a dumping ground for furniture that doesn't work in any other room, and has linens picked more out of necessity than anything else so one day I hope to have my bedroom set up a little more planned/calculated)