Getting creative with a chair
This SO makes me want to buy a cheap chair at a thrift shop and dig out my sharpies. Photo via Mel Yates.
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This SO makes me want to buy a cheap chair at a thrift shop and dig out my sharpies. Photo via Mel Yates.
A reader named Monica recently scored 3 Eames LCM chairs at an estate sale (lucky girl!). Here's her dilemma: I'd like to use them as dining chairs, but I know they're more lounge-type chairs (hence the L in the name). They're not super low, but you end up leaning back more than in a regular dining chair. I see the Eames shell chairs in dining rooms all the time, but never these. Do you have any examples of dining rooms that use these? I'm thinking about pairing them with a wood table and a built-in- or freestanding-bench along the other side. They actually come in a 16" lounge version which is what Monica has, and an 18" dining chair version. She's trying to convince her husband they will work as dining chairs because she has enough occasional chairs (although I personally think there's no such thing as too many chairs!). I went through my photo stash and found photos of it as a dining chair, and I threw in some of the LCW version too at the end. I love these as dining chairs - they're a great break from the normal Eames molded plastic chairs everyone seems to use.
Cute cute cute cute and squeaky cute! It's retro and colour and giggles and fun. Melki is a Polish furniture line. Redesigned chairs from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Smaka Design is a graphics firm while Melki and Smaka are Anita, Dorota and Łukasz. Nitka is the sewing cafe where visual identification, production (prints, website and internet store) and, of course, the furniture by Melki and Smaka all came together.
Just wanted to give a quick but proper mention to my first ever design-related competition for Urban Barn, because it's a pretty cool idea... 5 bloggers across Canada got to pick a chair, some fabric and extras, and you vote (which gives you the opportunity to win your own custom chair or some Urban Barn gift cards). The chairs will be auctioned off at the end, and each blogger got to choose a charity. I chose the Country Cat Sanctuary - who were kind enough to lend me a trap for my recent stray cat rescue operation and helped cover the cost of vet bills.
So that's my chair above. I had initially selected a slipper chair with houndstooth fabric with pink piping but they had no bright colours in stock so above is my second option. Go vote for your favourite (hopefully mine!) here.